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make the vat field and the company name required

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I have created a multistore with Prestashop: one is for the private customers and the other for the busisness customers. The problem is the registration form for the busisness customers: the vat field and company name appears but they aren't required fields. How can I do for make them required???

I have already tried under the section clients but it doesn't work... 

Should I change the prestashop code??Can someone show me how change these fields??

I'm really desperate!!!

thanks in advance...

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I have created a multistore, but when I change the settings of the registration form on the busisness store, the settings changes also for the private store!!!

 Busisness store: I must put the vat field and company name required

Private store: the vat field and company name must not be required


When I change the settings of one store, automatically it changes also the settings of the other store!!!

I've created two different links inside the website because they must be slipt by law...

Sorry for the bad english but I'm not anglophone.

Thanks in advance

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same problem with my multistore, were i want to have vat as required in the registration for one shop and not for the other one (and even better, not show the company and vat field at all for this one). 


Marty1988 - did you (or someone else here) solve this?

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  • 1 year later...

I create mutishop, one of them for professionnal and I enable b2B mode

but when I set the company required it wil be required for all shop even the b2B mode is not enables in the other shop.



Hi right now I don't have a MultiShop to work with, did you select the shop before enabling b2b?  ps works with ps_configuration, which supports 'by shop' configuration.

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Yes ,I select the shop to enable B2B mode and I have two diffrent forms registration now, but when I enable company from the backOffice (custmor->company)
It will be required for the two shops even the the B2B mode does'nt enabled in the public shop but the error message appear " company field required"

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