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How to install same module more than one times?


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My question is, how can I install the same module same module more than one times?


I guess I have to change the code in some module files, but I don't know exactly what. Or is it specific for every module? The module I want to install in a new copy: productaccessories (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/46505-module-product-accessories/)


Thanks for the answers.

Edited by tUb26 (see edit history)
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for what purposes you want to install this module two times? maybe there is a lot easier way to achieve what you expect.

modification like that needs huge customization of module code, and in some cases also module database etc.


at the end: everything depends on module, how it is coded etc.

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Hey vekia!


Thank you for your quick response!


Well the reason is that the productacessories module is already installed, to show the accessories for the given product.

But I need a module for the custom related products aswell. I know, that PrestaShop automatically give a related product section to the product page, if there is at least one more product in the same category, but I would like to set these products myself, because some products that I want to add as related are not in the same category as the given product.


Productacessories module would be a solution for that, but as I mentioned it is already installed and I didn't find any alternative solution.

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Before I make a new topic I will try to glue myself to this one. I have similar issue. I would like to put on first page 3 or 4 times HomeFeatured Module. Why? My customer would like to have separate featured products for few categories and each has it's own title.


for ex. 


1 2 3 4 5 6



1 2 3 4 5 6



maybe there is some other easy way to do this.


all the best to you guys!!


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Yeah I tried that too, but no luck. I think that's because it doesn't matter that I rename the files and strings from let's say homefeatured to homefeatured2, the module will create and use the same database tables and fields as the other one.

Edited by tUb26 (see edit history)
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I did it one more time. But this time, slow and easy and WORKS PERFECT!!

For homefeatured module you don't need to change anything in database.

Just be sure to change all strings contain "homefeatured" into "homefeatured2" etc.

As an extra feature I kick out additional homefeatured.css to keep all in one style file.


Thanks guys for help. The answer is always to do things with head with no rush :)

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