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Troubleshooting eshop


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Hi everyone,


I got a task to make some changes in prestashop made by someone else and there are two tasks I have a problem with. Concretely:

- is it possible to make invoice auto send by email after changing status to delivered? Or create option to send/not send email after status change? I found this topis, but I am not sure if it would do what I need:



- last programmer made a voucher module, but it is not viewing the voucher number in BO in orders. I am not sure what to do, because this is rather over my level to troubleshoot. In the attachment are module files and this is written in view.tpl:


    <table class="table" style="width:100%;">
    <th>Kód kupónu:</th></tr>
    <tr><td>{if isset($kod_kuponu)}<p>{$kod_kuponu}</p>{else}<p>-Nebol prijatý žiadny kupón-</p>{/if}</td></tr>


I can not upload here the whole module, but if someone si willing to help I have no problem to send it to you by email or upload.

If you have any ideas, please let me know



Edited by tohocasu (see edit history)
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