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[ask] Configuring APC on a VPS ?

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Hi, I think this is one for El Patron :)


I have set up APC on our site, but its only showing as 32Mb shared memory. Is this enough ?

If its not enough, and ideas on how to change this on a VPS, im using fastCGI, as the host recommened this to get APC working.


on the apc stats page its constantly changing and mainly orange. Is this good or bad ?




Cheers for any help



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I think though, because im using fastGCI that it uses a global php.ini file? Im not sure as im new to this.


But wherever I place the apc.ini file, and restart apache, no different :(

Ive tried in:





It doesnt alter the config :(

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Now that does look handy :)

Ill install that... but lol


my phpinfo.php tells me its here


Configuration File (php.ini) Path /usr/local/lib

Loaded Configuration File /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)

Additional .ini files parsed (none)


I cant see that path ?

Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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oh, I understand now..


I do not know what your hosting account but typically to access the php.ini one must install a problem like putty, then  log into their server...and use linux commands to 1) navigate to folder (to  see) and  2) use a vi  or vim to edit the file


sorry...just before nap time and missed what you actually said

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Ive given up lol.

Ive messaged the host to see if they will change it to 128MB for me.


I tried accessing vis SSH as on DH42s blog.

I enter the user/pass and it seems to log in.


But when i type

vi /etc/php.d/apc.ini

it asks for a password again, but none of my passwords are accepted :(

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Hi again,


my host kindly changed the setting to 128M in the main php.ini and it worked. (im running 1Gb and 2 core on the VPS)


But... the site has now gone really slow ? ( unless it the internet at my work. At home im on fibre)

Ive asked them to change it down to 64M to see if that helps.


Can you just explain how to log in using that su-


im trying to use putty.. its a 1st for me :/


I put the ip/domain to connect to  and then it opens a shell window and asks to log in.

do i then type "su -" enter

then "username"

then "password" ?



Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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I tried accessing vis SSH as on DH42s blog.

I enter the user/pass and it seems to log in.


But when i type

vi /etc/php.d/apc.ini

it asks for a password again, but none of my passwords are accepted :(


This might mean your user does not have permission to su (switch user).  You might also need to use the sudo command... something like this


sudo su - root


sudo su - admin


this all depends on how your server is configured.  you should speak to your host to confirm

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to run vps (apc) and tune, you need to get access to the files that are no accessible using your hosting control panel.


also apc  is outside the scope of PrestaShop, in that it's best to search outside of PrestaShop looking for good apc tips, etc.


Note: there are things you could do within Prestashop to improve performance, enable ccc for .css


here is optimal settings from back office that you can review and set (test) on your shop.



and of course java bottom will make a bigger difference than you might now think. :)

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Thanks Bellini & El Patron,


I have tried ccc on my css, but it messes my layout up.. is there any compatability list to say what works when ccc'd ?

I have changed a lot of css on our site.


I would have tried the java bottom as I think that will help a lot, but im considering updating to 1.6 very soon.

Just working on the theme.

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in all honesty?


apc is of little to NO value.


why? it is for php files.  sure you 'might' get some bang for the buck moving your smarty cache files to it..but only maybe


you should focus more on improving your mysql cache values and yep, moving render blocking java to the bottom. 


what version of php are you using?  in later versions there are other options that are recommended and not  'apc'.


ccc isn't going to buy you much...if it does not work on your shop, don't worry and if you worry then get a new template.


happy monday

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bellini, it was the default theme. I just modified the layout. Mainly via css, but a few bits of code moved around too.

added the + - qty buttons, pictures in the search & cart etc.

Dont know what makes it compliant as regards to CCC.

Is there a checklist of rules you have to follow so the CCC doesnt mess CSS up ?

media queries are in the 1.6 default theme so its not that causing problems :(

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On your server compressing modules are installed and configured ? Please ask your provider, cause this is not a standard thing and several providers don't really know how to use compressing correct and at least don't configure the moduls as they should. If your theme is disrupted, so your server doesn't support compressing in all lines. You can also try other setting combinations to see if one of them works. As I told before there are several server modules which should be configured correct, by trying another setting combination you could be successfully.

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