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How to delete an area of the store front-end in PrestaShop 1.6

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I'm trying to figure out how to start modifying the shop front-end and I cant make head or tail of where to start.


Could somebody explain step by step how to delete the top banner area of PrestaShop shop front-end (where it has an image, sale 70% off....., get savings now, call us now toll free....)


I have attached a screen shot of the area.


I would really appreciate any advise.







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Back office 》 Modules 》Front office features 》 Banner block


did work, Thanks to your clear instructions.


However "call us now toll free......" stayed on page.  Where can I delete this?


I understand a bit about html and css, but I don't know anything about php or tpl.


So if I want to delete "call us now toll free:012......", where can I do this?

If I want to take the colour off from the top banner, where can I do this?


I'm trying to figure out what folders and files refer to what areas in the shops front end and hopefully then I will be able to make some sense of this all.


Any advise will be greatly appreciated.



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for everyone looking the solution:


if you want to change this:




log in to your back office, then open "modules" section, search for "contact block" (1), you will see modules list (2) click on configure near the module (3)




then just change number of phone (1) and hit save button (2)




voila! :)

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  On 3/30/2014 at 10:37 PM, vekia said:

for everyone looking the solution:


if you want to change this:




log in to your back office, then open "modules" section, search for "contact block" (1), you will see modules list (2) click on configure near the module (3)




then just change number of phone (1) and hit save button (2)




voila! :)

I'v been trying to erase the "Call us toll free " bit for an hour of two but can't get it away. I work in PS1.6 with dutch translation. I've changed the dutch AND english translation, released cache and tried reinstall the module but it still reappears. What can I do next??






Edited by rvzoest (see edit history)
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  On 4/2/2014 at 11:19 AM, rvzoest said:

I'v been trying to erase the "Call us toll free " bit for an hour of two but can't get it away. I work in PS1.6 with dutch translation. I've changed the dutch AND english translation, released cache and tried reinstall the module but it still reappears. What can I do next??


on localization > translations page you can select theme from second dropdown, you selected it ?

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Hopefully somebody, more experienced in Prestashop than I, can correct this info if this is not the right way to erase the "call us now toll free.....".


This is how I managed to delete/erase the "call us now toll free....."






->delete rows 28-32


{if $telnumber}
    <span class="shop-phone">
        <i class="icon-phone"></i>{l s='Call us now toll free:' mod='blockcontact'} <strong>{$telnumber}</strong>


This worked for me.


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if you want to remove it, you don't have to modify tpl files. (who knows, maybe in the future you will want to put it back)


modules > positions

search for block contact in nav position and just unhook block contact module.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 4/2/2014 at 11:48 AM, vekia said:

if you want to remove it, you don't have to modify tpl files. (who knows, maybe in the future you will want to put it back)


modules > positions

search for block contact in nav position and just unhook block contact module.

Its not complete solution tho - It also takes off "contact" link which I for example don't want to get rid off. In that case I just don't see other solution then deleting 

{if $telnumber}
<span class="shop-phone">
<i class="icon-phone"></i>{l s='Call us now:' mod='blockcontact'} <strong>{$telnumber}</strong>
part even if there is {if} which tells me that he print this from module that we can manage from modules. The solution could be only to make just sample radio input in module to use this {if} as a switch "on/off".
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  • 3 months later...
  On 9/22/2014 at 4:22 PM, Paulito said:



Your post is not connected to the original topic so it would be better for you, and any forum members who wish to help you, to raise a separate topic


Hope you understand




Topic theme is: How to delete an area of the store front-end in PrestaShop 1.6, and my question is how to remove the logo. Anyway i already did it by removing the folloing in header.tpl

<div id="header_logo">
<a href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
<img class="logo img-responsive" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if $logo_image_width} width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if}{if $logo_image_height} height="{$logo_image_height}"{/if}/></a>
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Hello gertavros


I totally agree with your comment but the author of the topic wanted information on how to alter the "Top Banner Area", not the logo.


The only reason I mentioned this was because it is very confusing to have two separate questions in one topic.


Who is answering, what topic is being answered.


As as I said earlier, I hope you understand and I am pleased you found and shared the solution to your question



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  • 2 months later...



Not really sure what your after, But, if all you want to do is remove the image of the telephone and number then go to:


blockcontact.css around Line 1 and add this:


.shop-phone {
  float: left;
  padding: 5px 0 10px;
display: none;
You can also add this code anywhere in global.css
.shop-phone {
  float: left;
  padding: 5px 0 10px;
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