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how to exclude sales phase - prestashop 1.6

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hello to all. 

I would like to configure the store giving the opportunity to the visitor / customer to make order of the goods they want but not to take any kind of payment. 

Short sale time must stop the order of goods by sending mail to the owner of the site. At most, the customer can choose the type of shipment. 

I had tried with the way the catalog, but I'm not making the order. 

Do you have any idea to suggest? 

I await your help. 


Thanks in advance

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If i were you i will use some kind of workaround.

it's because solution you look for needs huge customization of core. We can do it with some workaround.

for example, use bankwire module and change translations of it.

you can translate it to any other thing you want, for example instead of "bankwire payment" you can use "confirm order", with little modification of module .tpl file it will looks like confirmation of order, not as a payment method

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