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Upgrading from to lastest version today SQL Errors

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Hi all,


Hope someone can shed abit of light on this for me.


I was running version and wanted to upgrade to lastest version, downloaded the latest 1 click installer and it ran and said: Upgrade complete, but warnings has been found.


The warnings are SQL Errors this is the first


SQL 1286 in CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_order_tax` ( `id_order` int(10) NOT NULL, `tax_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `tax_rate` decimal(6,3) NOT NULL, `amount` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=_MYSQL_ENGINE_ DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: SQL 1286 in CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ps_order_tax` ( `id_order` int(10) NOT NULL, `tax_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `tax_rate` decimal(6,3) NOT NULL, `amount` decimal(20,6) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=_MYSQL_ENGINE_ DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8: Unknown table engine '_MYSQL_ENGINE_' '_MYSQL_ENGINE_'


is the first looks like the database is missing tables and it cannot add them maybe?


lots of these erros for new tables in database maybe?


The Database was a backup of the original does it need to have a certain access or anything? I did notice when the backup was added to a fresh database via phpmyadmin it was larger in size compared to original?


Just tried to access the shop and im getting 500 Error and not able to login to backoffice, just reloads page have cleared browser settings etc already.

Edited by Rikc (see edit history)
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Ok going to try upgrading from 1.4 to 1.5 then to 1.6 maybe?


As the site is a few years old i dont want to loose its urls on search engines etc, is there a way to clean install 1.6 and keep urls and also import customer orders and data?


failing this i may just get a new theme for the 1.4 and leave it at that if were going to loose everything

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Seems like upgrading with core changes and modules is going to be next to imposible ;(


I have tried cart2cart to import products to a fresh 1.6 install and seems it will be the way to go. Demo transfered some data to test and looks like its not too bad. Will reinstall and migrate the whole store keeping urls etc and should be good to go i hope!

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I tried migrating my quite a bit modified 1.4.9 version to latest 1.6 available and got 404 errors on products, some 500 errors etc. 

Probably it could be something related with 1.4 modification with removing category and product numbers from links.

So my idea was this - migrate with 1-click update to latest version, let it do all the updates. then make complete backup to database (products, orders, clients, etc).

After that make a fresh install of latest prestashop 1.6 verion and import old database. This way 1-click update makes necessary changes to databse and with clean shop install you get rid of old sh*t you done with old shop that could break new shop.

This is theory, i tried this with my clone website paralelly doing some other things, but it worked.

Maybe someone could test this more seriously?

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Nope, it still gives me errors. you can check - romualds.id.lv

Click any product, it says The requested URL /product.php was not found on this server.

I think it has to be something with override folder and way shop manages product url. In 1.4.9 i followed guide posted here in forums to remove product and category numbers from product links.


edit: backoffice works fine, i can see old orders, customers, etc

Edited by mareksmareks (see edit history)
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