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I've disabled stock management but still showing "out of stock"

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I'm using PS1.6.0.5 and have disabled stock management but my products are still showing as Out of stock. This should be an easy fix but I've spent hours on it and can't sort it and I'm feeling pretty stoopit!


I've gone into Preferences > Products > Products Stock and have the following:


Allow ordering of out-of-stock products - YES (When I set this to no and save it reverts back to yes)

Enable stock management - No

Enable advanced stock management - No

New products use advanced stock management - No


These settings would make me think that I have disabled stock management and if I go into 


Catalog > Products > Product > Quantities > AVAILABLE QUANTITIES FOR SALE 


It says:


The stock management is disabled.


And this is what is baffling me. I've Googled for an answer and searched these forums but haven't come up with an answer.



Please help restore my sanity!




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I am trying to recreate..so few posts on this..


just wondering if it has to do with warehouses...one can not disable them, just delete them...


the reason I am looking at warehouses is that you do not have to have advacned s mgt to use warehouse...


so my thinking is it is still using warehouse.  but just a wild guess.

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just wondering if it has to do with warehouses...one can not disable them, just delete them...


the reason I am looking at warehouses is that you do not have to have advacned s mgt to use warehouse...


so my thinking is it is still using warehouse.  but just a wild guess.

Is this Store Contacts under: Preferences > Store Contacts as I've tried deleting them all but still see out of stock messages.

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things have changed...and it may only be available when multishop (when you have warehouse but not advanced stock management)


mods are terrible at stock..if we sell anything it's virtual and we turn off stock management for products.


here is the official guide...



note: if this is affecting your online store you can pm me back office url/login and I can take a look around.

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El Patron very kindly worked with me last night (it was the morning for him I think) and resolved this.


It was the theme I was using which hasn't been qualified for 1.6, As soon as I put it into the default theme the stock messages didn't show.


I should have thought of this earlier as it's the first thing we do when testing the DITA XML system I work on in my main job but my excuse is I'm choked with the flu and my brain is working properly.


Anyway, big thanks to El Patron who gave up his time and expertise to help a complete stranger.


Much appreciated.





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