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Shipping to other countries

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How do I set up shipping for all other countries? My site is a worldwide business, and i sell products of all different weights and sizes. But I have free shipping in the UK. How do I set my shop to calculatte shipping prices based on weight and the price to ship them to, say, Malta, or Morocco?


Surely you dont have to enter prices for every KG of weight for every country in the world?! 


A step-by-step would be VERY MUCH appreciated :)



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I don't think you are getting how shipping works. You have to figure out which carrier you are going to use first. Then you have to figure out if you are going to charge the prices that the carrier charges you, or if you are going to charge more or a flat rate. One you figure that out, then you need to figure out how to set up the shipping. It is all dependent on how you want your sites shipping to work. Some carriers support live rates, while others such as royal mail do not. 

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