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blocklayered not working in prestashop 1.6 help ! :(

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I have upgraded my store to 1.6


all is well except the blocklayered module


it won't index (in the configuration area of the module)


also when i try to use it on my website it just loads for ever but nothing happens


tried to remove it and install it again no luck, been playing around with it for hours can't seem to find out how to resolve,


please help ....  :(




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done fresh installation of PS


I tried changing the folder/file permissions as stated above but didn't solve the problem.

Getting the same error "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" when I click on any filter and shows infinite loading.


Anyone please help. 

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In continuation with my above post, I face some other problems related with AJAX when the site is online.


The "Add to compare" button is not working on category and product pages when I click on it. Ideally, it should display the confirmation message.


The blocklayered module and "Add to compare" are working perfect on localhost. The problem is only seen when the site is online.

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More info about this:

It shows up on a client's site when the script runs out of mysql resources. Especially, the getProducts method kills the scrpt as it uses a HUGE IN() statement. Solution for me. Reduce products per page and use a bridge query: grab valid ids first, and use those in the IN() statement instead

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  • 2 months later...
  On 6/16/2014 at 10:08 AM, Nemo1 said:

no, 644 is for files usually, if that doesn't work, try with 777 and 666 for files

You mean All the files inside the folder? If you mean this i already did it 777 the blocklayered folder in the modules folder and  all the files contained in it changed to 666 . Has to do something with www in seo an d urls?

Edited by gergos (see edit history)
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It's really hard to tell what's going on actually, but I doubt it has to do with www. There has to be something wrong with permissions. I know your site is live but it would be worth re-editing permissions to their original state (644, 755), and try without friendly urls

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  On 6/20/2014 at 7:46 AM, Nemo1 said:

It's really hard to tell what's going on actually, but I doubt it has to do with www. There has to be something wrong with permissions. I know your site is live but it would be worth re-editing permissions to their original state (644, 755), and try without friendly urls

I disabled the module. I re-edit permissions to 644 and 755, after i enable the module again and done :) so it is a good solution for everyone before change the permissions to disable the module first. Thanks for the support and hope we will not face again the problem. Moreover new version is ready. If anybody knows that this bug it fixed in new version it is good to mention here. Thanks.

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  On 6/20/2014 at 8:38 AM, gergos said:

hahahhaha many many thanks you just save me a lot of time. i was ready to update my shop. Have a nice day.


Hi all, gergos:

You could solve your problem? That is, regenerate the indexes and filters works correctly?

Can you tell me the steps/solution?

Thanks and regards!

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  On 6/25/2014 at 1:54 PM, fcoitino said:

Hi all, gergos:

You could solve your problem? That is, regenerate the indexes and filters works correctly?

Can you tell me the steps/solution?

Thanks and regards!

No the regeneration is not fixed. I can not reindex block layered. Still searching for solution. It just fixed somehow the pagination with changing the permissions from the server side like mentioned. Disable module. Change permissions to 755 and 644 after enable the module again. I hope it will fixed if pagination is your problem.

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I have the solution.

You have to update the module, there is a newer version that fixes the problem.
- Find the zip on the Github page (if you do not then let me know that'll help)
- Uninstall the module,
- Re-install with the new installer.

Good luck and regards!

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it's a problem with a hosting providers whose hidden by default .htaccess files. When you install shop in that hosting prestashop won't get jquery filles, changing the htaccess not work [server error 500]. Solution change the hosting company :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

it doesn't work for me!

PS version:

Block layered version: 1.11 (the last version available on Github)

Server/Hosting: VPS OVH

Permissions for this module: folder = 755, files = 644


I try everything mentionned in this topic, nothing works...

I still got this error in the console when I try to update index: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)


Ajax is working in the admin (for example ajax search in admin works perfectly).


  On 6/26/2014 at 5:18 PM, fcoitino said:

I have the solution.

You have to update the module, there is a newer version that fixes the problem.
- Find the zip on the Github page (if you do not then let me know that'll help)
- Uninstall the module,
- Re-install with the new installer.

Good luck and regards!

Edited by Jimmy (see edit history)
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I have resolved this. It is not quite good solution but it works. Let me know if it worked to you.


file: blocklayered-ajax.php


Context::getContext()->controller->php_self = 'category';
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', true, 200 );
$blockLayered = new BlockLayered();
echo $blockLayered->ajaxCall();

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  • 1 month later...

I don´t use the original blacbklayered option because I have the same problem in presta 1.6. But the theme I`m using have an alternative one, it`s free and it works fine... Layered navigation block(modded version for Warehouse theme) v1.11 - by IQIT-COMMERCE.COM

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Fast fix for indexing, this was my error code about not indexing urls & prices


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.yourdomain.es/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered-price-indexer.ph…=b345005f08&full=1&ajax=1&cursor=0?token=b345005f08&full=1&ajax=1&cursor=0. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://yourdomain.es' is therefore not allowed access. 


I was calling module URL in my backend without "www" like




So just add www in your browser like this:




And it will index nice.


My fix to layered module: 


After reindexing, my layered module still did not appear. I was receiving a 404 error.

I tried everything and it did not work. Finally I went to another Prestashop shop with an old version of this module working, I copied module folder, changed it on my new presta, activated and updated it and it worked. I got my layered navigation and all its other options working fine.


I hope it helps someone!

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  • 2 months later...

Have problem with this module.


If choose feature value, on 2 off 3 servers no result from ajax. Tested all function and found problem in this query:


if (!empty($sql_query['from']))
   $sql_query['from'] .= Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p');
   $products = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql_query['select']."\n".$sql_query['from'].\n".$sql_query['join']."\n".$sql_query['where']."\n".$sql_query['group']);


Printed out query and tried to execute it directly to phpmyadmin. 2 servers executed it more than 20 s, one server in 0,00002 - 1,5 s interval. Maybe somebody know the problem?


Query is big: WHERE in (more than 5000 items here)

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  • 3 months later...
  On 4/7/2014 at 5:56 AM, Stofferdreng said:

The following works for me :-)


Change blocklayered folder permissions to 755 and all file permissions to 644.


Happy editing :-)



I have the same problem.

How do I do that. What are the step to change the folders permissions?

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Hey guys,


everything seems to work fine on my site, but when I click on any pagination button (1,2,3,4 etc..) the pagination numbers disappear at the bottom of the page. They appear normally at the top of the page. 


Also the "show all" button doesn't work. 


My site is:http://www.mujkoberec.cz/74-podle-parametru#/




Any ideas? 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, what about this? I have installed same layered module version on localhost and my shop in dedicated server. In server I see for example: 34 products in stock and 0 product out of stock. I rebuild all indexes. If I click to filter products on stock I got: no products. But in filter menu I see In stock (34). Out of stock - 0. But I made 1 product without stock - 0 and rebuild all indexes. Same... 


All filters works perfect, but stock filter.. Whats wrong?? 


What can be related to this module or impact this stock filter? I tried all ways...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/21/2015 at 7:24 AM, linhart said:

Hey guys,


everything seems to work fine on my site, but when I click on any pagination button (1,2,3,4 etc..) the pagination numbers disappear at the bottom of the page. They appear normally at the top of the page. 


Also the "show all" button doesn't work. 


My site is:http://www.mujkoberec.cz/74-podle-parametru#/




Any ideas? 

I had The same problem. It was due the layered navigation module. After i disabled it, tha pagination returned to normal.

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  • 1 month later...

Changing Blocklayered folder permission to 755 and all sub-folder and files permission to 644 resolves the issue.


If a file or folder is set to "777" which is "world" writable for security reasons the 403 error will be displayed to protect your website from hacks. Folders should have the permissions set to "750" or "755" and files should be set to "644"

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  • 4 months later...



I have the same problem:


when blocklayered is activated:

- all buttons for pagination don't work

- when i choose to filter, it's loading and loading


I tried to fix it:

1-i desactivate the module

2-change permissions (755 for Folders, 644 for files),  



but doesn' work.


module version : 2.1.3

prestashop version:


Thanks for help...



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  • 2 months later...
  On 10/28/2015 at 8:38 PM, corbeille-cadeaux said:



I have the same problem:


when blocklayered is activated:

- all buttons for pagination don't work

- when i choose to filter, it's loading and loading


I tried to fix it:

1-i desactivate the module

2-change permissions (755 for Folders, 644 for files),  



but doesn' work.


module version : 2.1.3

prestashop version:


Thanks for help...







how did you fix it. i checked your website.everything seems fine. please tell us how you fix it

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  • 5 years later...

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