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When Upload category's image - It's disappears!

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I was used to use Presta 1.5.X.

My Child categories used to be a little to the right of the father categories.


But now, in all the categories stay in the same level, so I decided to active that "animated" mode with + and - simbols...


No category had images, and now I want to upload in each one, because somebody can click in father category, that just have categories inside, no products...but when I upload any image...the category goes away! It goes under the home category, but in my front office it's invisible!


If I try to change in back office it's position, the "tree" inside category configuration is missing, and I have to edit database to back the category back and the image dissapear :(


Somebody with the same problem?


Sorry for my poor english!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had the same problem. Looks like a nasty BUG. I solved it by digging up an old backup and replicating the old data from the ps_category table. Somehow when you edit an existing category from an older version with the new version of prestashop, your positions / parent structure gets messed up.


Finally I had to go to modules and check out the "categories block" and re-save my settings. Then refresh my page and all was back to normal. (sounds easier than it actually was to find all this out! I just lost almost 5 hours of sleep hahahhah). But now I can go to bed peacefully at least... hope this helps.

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