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Hiding Discontinued Combinations

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Is it possible to have a product combination for discontinued items that’s only visible on the backend? 


For example, an item comes in blue, green and red. The red is discontinued, but I want the information, images, SKU, etc to be saved for reference, but not shown on the front end to customers.


The combinations that are in production (blue and green) remain visible, even when out of stock, and display an "out of stock" alert. 


Essentially it'd be like having an enabled/disabled status for each individual product combination.


I'm using


Any insight would be appericated.

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I don't think you can do this as standard. There are no data items in the PS database that allow you to establish whether a product combination is discontinued.

You can make all out-of-stock combinations non-visible (via a setting under Preferences->Products). However you can't then have alerts for active combinations, but not for discontinued ones.

Cheers, Dave

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Thanks for the answer. I'm thinking the next best solution would be to create an inactive "discontinued" product full of old items so that they're in the database but not live. You think there'd be a module for this... it's a pretty typical scneario, no?

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I'm on the fence about that feature, because right now PS has it built in not to allow purchase of an out of stock attribute, and that's good. I want the customer to know that the color or size is a possibility, so I don't want to hide it. 


Maybe what I want is a way to communicate more options to the customer. Information would appear to let the customer know the date of new stock arrival or even give the customer an option of email notification. 


That way, if a customer ONLY wants red and I don't have it, I still have a chance at the sale. If I hide the red completely, I have no chance.

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