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Tags copy and paste

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I'm not so sure that you could do just copy&paste it using the backend. If you understand PHP a bit, the easiest method would be to code a tiny module to read each keyword and populate ps_tag table using those keywords once, and then using the generated id_tags, populate ps_product_tag table for each product (assuming the tags will be all identical for each product).

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Is it possible to turn off JavaScript or ajax?


1.5 and 1.6 versions does not ...



Haha! A perfect "Turkish" approach to the problem! However, this shed a light for an even more "Turkish" solution:

Here's how it's done:


1. First, write your tags separated with a comma anywhere else, for example notepad such as mytag1,mytag2,mytag3 etc.

2. Copy "mytag1,mytag2,mytag3" and paste it into the tags input field and now press comma (",").

You will see that they are added as a single tag ("mytag1,mytag2,mytag3"). Don't mind it and just save.

They will be magically added as separate tags.


Please see the screenshots below:


Edited by prestashopninja (see edit history)
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I found a solution for that.



delete the content of the function so that all is left is this:

/* Author: Alicia Liu */

(function ($) {
    $.widget("ui.tagify", {
        options: {
            delimiters: [13, 188],          // what user can type to complete a tag in char codes: [enter], [comma]
            outputDelimiter: ',',           // delimiter for tags in original input field
            cssClass: 'tagify-container',   // CSS class to style the tagify div and tags, see stylesheet
            addTagPrompt: 'add tags'        // placeholder text


Now all tags are just comma separated words which you can copy. You may have to clear cache for it to take effect.

Edited by tarmogr (see edit history)
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