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products and categories not working After upgrade

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i have upgrade my website to version 1.6.

After upgrade only homepage of my website works, but if i click on some categories or some products it shows ''Page not find''.


i am using friendly URL and one module called 'SEO Pretty URL Module v1.7 - by BVK Software' . This module removes numbers from product, category and cms links.


and i have deleted some products , but they still showing in homepage. ( the products with no images)


my website link is halalfs.com.


Any help will be appriciated.

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My categories did not work....


I have tried the above, but when I played around with the search criteria I found the categories.

Try to set show to yes and search for a categorie you know is there.


Hope this might help, I guess the search is the problem after an upgrade anyway.





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Hello ,

i have deleted that module and from Override--->classes----> i have deleted link.php file and dispatcher.php file.After that my categories and products started showing .


but now if i click on some category the products under that category shows but in the left side Categories block with number of products v1.1 - by MyPresta.eu (This module create categories block with number of products in each category) is not showing.before upgrade it shows.

and when you search for some product...for example if you type 'coca' and press enter it shows you all the products + on the left side the category module which is not showing when we click on some category or sub category.

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I'm in a similar situation after installing a fresh version of 1.6. If I visit the categories, the list just displays a small amount of categories and most of active categories do not display.

I've been loosing my mind the past few days trying to figure out how to update some of the categories. After visiting this forum, I see that it seems to be a bug. So I'm relieved that I'm not going insane but sadly, I invested 20 hours customizing the v1.6 css, I hope it hasn't been for nothing?


In my case, I was able to modify the categories before they disapeared. I also fiddled around with the languages as I'm running both english and french.



Edited by bungl (see edit history)
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Hi kumarji,


I had the same problem with the same module when upgrading to 1.6. Hope you got this solved already but in case not, this solved it for me. The dispatch function in the file bvkseodispatcher.php contains a PS version check in line 202: 


if(substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3) == '1.5')


So you need to modify this, otherwise your PS 1.6 will be treated by the module as a PS 1.4


Hope it helps,



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