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Backend of website working fine, just cannot launch from view my shop or direct URL link

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Hello all. I have inputted approx.650 items in my store, preparing for launch next week. Everything was fine until I ran Presta Cleaner to remove sample Apple data from my site and/or when I updated some Modules in version of Presta Shop.


I have tried a variety of solutions suggested here and just need some more input, as they have not worked. All my back office functions and data appear to be fine, I just cannot launch the website url directly or with the view my shop link.


I also tried to update Presta Shop to version 1.6, but the template I purchased was not compatible and although I could launch my website as usual, The template I had installed would not display at all, so I restored it back to the original version I had and that's where I'm at right now.


I also tired clearing the cache of my browser.


After I read in this forum the modules I updated are not compatible with the version of Presta Shop, I uninstalled them and replaced them with a original copy I downloaded from the Presta Shop website. That also was not successful.


I enabled error messages in my php file, as suggested here too and now at least I have an idea what the error is, but do not know how to correct it.


Here is the error message I am getting when I try to launch my website and the corresponding line 77 it is referencing.


Fatal error: Call to undefined method Media::addJsDef() in /home/desig349/public_html/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.php on line 77


Line 77: Media::addJsDef(array('search_url' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('search', Tools::usingSecureMode())));


I'm hoping this is enough information to point me in the right direction for a solution.

I already contacted my hosting site and they clearly point the problem to the Presta Shop installation.


I do have a back-up file, but it is not current for the except for the past month, so I just cannot restore it that simply.


I appreciate your help with this, as I was preparing to go live next week.


Best Regards,




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I read your link earlier and did replace the modules from a new download on the Presta Shop site. I copied all of them to the modules folder in my Public_html folder in my home directory and still am getting the same errors. Did I install them in the correct folder? Those were the only file I replaced. Did I miss something?

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In your backend, you have to do the following

  • Disable the modules you updated
  • Then uninstall them
  • Upload those modules from a clean install to your live domain
  • Go back to the backend and install the modules
  • Enable the modules & configure

That worked for me

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Okay I understand what you're saying, but can you please tell me where I should install the replacement modules?


In the www folder?


in the Public html folder?


I have been using the Public html folder and then the modules within, but it sounds like they need to go in the www folder and then the that module folder.


Please verify for me and I think I can handle it from there.

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