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Images in img/cms/ can't show

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After upgrading to doesn't any of the pictures in "img/cms/" show up on the front office. Pictures like banners, payment logos (bottom).


Anyone who has the answer to this problem? Except from this - everything works.

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  • 2 months later...



I can see my img in cms pages but problem is if i use the link like ../ . 


www.domain.com/en/myownfolder/image.jpg  shows and for other languages different url !

​any suggestion to fix this problem?


I have ps1.6


Thanks in advance 

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  • 2 months later...

it's because you use relative path for image, use direct link to image instead of relative path like "../img/cms/image.jpg"

HI Vekia,


Please see this link for example: http://continuousinksupplysystem.com.au/en/content/17-ciss-installation-instructions


for En page I used ../images/CISS-HELP.jpg


but still shows: http://continuousinksupplysystem.com.au/en/images/CISS-HELP.jpg

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your post probably was cutted somehow (?)



I would like to have relative path , because i need to active Https in all of my pages, problem is if i use relative path, img shows with languages,

for example in en pages shows like this" ../en/images/CISS-HELP.jpg   , i don't know how can i dis-active flag for images url. if i can not do that I have to use https fro all img links and will takes long time to fix this bug!

any suggestion will help me  hips.

Thanks for your help in advance...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I was trying to add images to my cms pages via tinyMCE and were not displayed.


The problem was that tinyMCE was changing all the url's to relative and couldn't be displayed because of the language on the url.


for example, tinyMCE converted my links to this:



getting this:



I solved this by editing tinymce configuration file (/js/tinymce.inc.js) 

and adding this:

relative_urls : false,
convert_urls: false,

After this change I could change the url in the tinyMCE to display the proper path.

following the example:



or any absolute path you want.


I'm not sure if that's your problem but hope it can help someone.


This is the tutorial by Milosz Myszczuk to make the timyMCE changes:


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I was trying to add images to my cms pages via tinyMCE and were not displayed.


The problem was that tinyMCE was changing all the url's to relative and couldn't be displayed because of the language on the url.


for example, tinyMCE converted my links to this:



getting this:



I solved this by editing tinymce configuration file (/js/tinymce.inc.js) 

and adding this:

relative_urls : false,
convert_urls: false,

After this change I could change the url in the tinyMCE to display the proper path.

following the example:



or any absolute path you want.


I'm not sure if that's your problem but hope it can help someone.


This is the tutorial by Milosz Myszczuk to make the timyMCE changes:


Thanks for that , 

When I check the file already like that:

I just use like this ../../img.png now working ok


Thanks again

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I found it:


Look for file .htaccess on your img/cms folder and remove it or just comment this line


#php_flag engine off


Mine is working now

nope this didnt work for neither all the other posts i have seen on this forum please see http://www.styleplaygroundng.com/content/3-terms-and-conditions-of-use

using inspector i change the path from relative path to full path and it worked. where can i put this full path in the code? which file?

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest locen

Hi, I have problems when i add image in cms page. i can't add image by click 


but i should follow these passages  to insert images. 


can someone help me? 

Edited by locen (see edit history)
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