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How to package a "Happy Meal" or Combo Meal?

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I've been searching around this forum and has yet to find a solution for my question.

I have a fast food restaurant, and my restaurant has multiple types of a certain items (7 types of burgers, 3 types of fries, 5 types of hotdogs, 12 types of soda, 3 types of coffee, etc.) Now each of this has their own price. I would like to know if customer can select and package them together, so they can create their own Combo Meal, with all of the item prices in the combo summed together.


Combo 1:

1 x hamburger @ $3
1 x chili fries @ $1
1 x diet soda @ $1
Total = $5

Combo 2:

1 x hamburger @ $3 each
1 x cheeseburger @ $3 each
2 x super fries @ $2 each
2 x gatorade @ $2 each
Total = $14

Each combo will be packed in it's own bag, so for the example above, the customer will later receive 2 bags. (This is important as some customer ordered multiple combos for many person in the same office, but on different levels :D)

To create all the possible combos manually and save it as part of the PRODUCTS would be a nightmare :D

Or is there an easier way to do it?

Please help.

Thanks :D

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