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Not able to update product information in

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I have tried the few suggestions I have received on this board, but they didn't seem to work.  I'm half tempted to downgrade to 1.5.3, because all was working with that version.  With, not so much.  This also happened around the time when I was assigning the SSL certificate.


Could this be any one of the following:


.htaccess issue?


A URL redirect issue?




or a SCHEMA of URL's issue?


Is this a php.ini issue?  I am able to see the changes I have made in the phpinfo.php file, but they are not responding within PS.  I have the eTiendasdisplayphp module and it doesn't show the changes and I cannot access my translations page.


Because I cannot:


add features to a product

delete a product

it also doesn't appear to let me index any products and features (even for the demo data)


Besides testing the check out process, this is the final stage of my PS store.  I'd really like to launch this site, but if I cannot update my products, I will not be able to use PS.


I have also considered upgrading to PS, but I have so many customizations in my theme and 3rd party modules configured, that I am afraid of losing this data.


I have a feeling that this is a simple fix, but it alludes me know. 

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Because I cannot:


add features to a product

delete a product

it also doesn't appear to let me index any products and features (even for the demo data)



you see some errors when you're trying to do all of this?

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@Vekia - Usually, when I am trying to update product features, I hit "save & stay" and it just redirects me back to the main Catalog > Products page very quickly, without saving.  If I update product features and hit "Save", it attempts to save the updates but eventually gives me a 404 error message.  I'm guessing due to a timeout.


I was able to finally successfully delete a sample product.

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