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1-Click upgrade - Not Working

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Hello all, a couple of weeks ago I moved my shop from a sub-directory in a shared hosting with others sites I have to it's own hosting and domain. After having some problems and issues I was able to get my store running without having to start inserting products and information from the beginning. I knew some features were still having issues, but since the store was running fine, I just let it go. However, PrestaShop is now available and the 1-Click upgrade does not work. I have uninstall it I have given permission to the folder the program said had not, but still the 1-Click upgrade does not work, it says that the current version is up to date, but at the same time it also says that it need to be upgraded. What can I do upgrade to version from version Please Help!


Thank you!


Hola a todos, hace un par de semanas atras movi mi tiemda de un sub-directorio donde compartia con otros sitio que tengo a su propio dominio y hosting. Despues de tener siertos problemas para que la tienda trabajara, pude ponerla atrabajar sin tener que comenzar desde el principio a inserter los productos y demas. De todas maneras, con todo y que la tienda estaba trabajando, yo sabia que habian algunos problemas despues que la movi, pero la deje asi ya que los problemas que presentaba no interferian con el front office o el back office. Ahora PrestaShop tiene la version pero el 1-Click Upgrade no me trabaja, dice que la version de 1-Click Upgrade esta al dia, pero al mismo tiempo muetra que hay que actualizarlo, cuando trato de actualizarlo, me da un error. Por favor allude!!!





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I don't know if your problem is the same I've encountered.
I discovered a bug in the 1-click-upgrade module. (1.3.7)
You can find it in modules/autoupgrade/AdminSelfUpgrade.php at line 2477.
$url_rewrite = (bool)Db::getInstance()->getvalue('SELECT `value` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'configuration`WHERE name=\'PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS\'');
The sql query isn't  right. It need of a blank space between the name of the table and the WHERE  clause.
If in your error log you'll find something about "class Configuration not found" if you  fix the query you will resolve the issue


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