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Can't add or change categories 1.5.6

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I have started my website a while ago and had no problems with creating and updating categories


For some reason I can't update or create new categories in my shop.

What is going wrong. I still use 1.5.6 as I am a bit reluctant to go over to 1.6 when it has problems


Thanks for your advice


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There is more wrong than this. My links are gone. I have try to shift here and there with the categories and now it seems that the pages are broken.

Who can help me?   www.oopsee.co.nz


For extra information. I do use .csv to upload categories.

It does save the categories (I have noticed) but in the same root as the main, so you won't see these.

You can't choose these when you are in a product.


The current subcategories can't been put under one of the new categories.


I can change the products with the new categorie numbers through .csv upload

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