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No more upgrades please, I'm out. How to stop alerts?

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Hi, not happy with 1.6. I'm going to take my chances and stick with I know I can turn off module upgrade alerts but can I also get rid of the PS version upgrade alert on the admin home page?


My intention is to get all of my modules updated to the latest 1.5x versions now and then to get on with selling stuff instead of working as a bug tester for Prestashop. Is that dangerous? Should I just move to a more sales focussed cart solution? I'm very tired of working on the tools rather than my products and my customers.

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Hi, not happy with 1.6. I'm going to take my chances and stick with I know I can turn off module upgrade alerts but can I also get rid of the PS version upgrade alert on the admin home page?


My intention is to get all of my modules updated to the latest 1.5x versions now and then to get on with selling stuff instead of working as a bug tester for Prestashop. Is that dangerous? Should I just move to a more sales focussed cart solution? I'm very tired of working on the tools rather than my products and my customers.

not happy with 1.6 , but why ?

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All I can see is a new default template. A much better default template I must admit. The user experience for the admin is at best much the same and in some respects for me much worse that what I have already. I see no significant speed increase either. I'd like to be left alone to get on with business rather than have my time wasted with updates high on style and low on substance.

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Comment out the following, at about line 36,

<!--{if $upgrade->need_upgrade}
<div class="warning warn" style="margin-bottom:10px;"><h3>{l s='A new version of PrestaShop is available.'} : <a style="text-decoration: underline;" href="{$upgrade->link}" target="_blank">{l s='Download'} {$upgrade->version_name}</a> !</h3></div>-->

Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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If your older shop version is functioning normally - i would simply suggest you to ignore notifications & focus on your work ;)  


But also i would suggest to make a copy of your existing shop, upgrade it & make enhancements from time to time (in your free time) until stable version of PS will be released, because you'll need to upgrade everything sooner or later

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