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Editing order-slip.tpl & tax calculation issue (different rounding)

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Hello All,


I'm using Prestashop


I am not satisfied with the print of Credit slip. As I understand, the template is order-slip.tpl.


Question 1: Is it possible to edit this template in the same manner as invoice.tpl? I tried to enter some new expressions (or use existing ones) that would be translated in the PDF translations, but it doesn't work - printed PDF is empty. How could I add stuff like: our company detailed address, VAT ID,...


Question 2:  I have a constant issue with the calculation of VAT, when I print it anywhere - invoices, credit slips...

It rounds the Total tax differently in the "Tax Tab" section (which is a black box to me) and in the "{displayPrice currency=$order->id_currency price=($order->total_paid_tax_incl - $order->total_paid_tax_excl)}" section. Why? (see the screenshot attached.)

What makes things even more interesting is that if I have invoices for different customers with exactly same products (as well as quantities), and same value of vouchers used on some invoices taxes are rounded the same, on other they are rounded differently. But as I said invoice data is absolutely the same. 




Explanation of the screenshot: On the right side of the screenshot, there is the invoice of the purchase - look at two different Total Tax: 5.38 (above total) & 5.40 (in the tax tab). On the left side, there is the Credit slip for the same purchase - look at the total tax: 5.39. This drives me crazy.


Thanks for your answers,








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 How could I add stuff like: our company detailed address, VAT ID,...




If I am not  mistaken, this info is in the footer.tpl and that info displayed in the footer comes from what you have filled in the backoffice -> preferences - store information (where you can fill in your store contact details.) In the bigger space where you fill in your 'chamber of commerce', you can also fill in your VAT-id. 

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Thanks HavanA for your hint, I was aware of that, but the problem is that I'd like to maintain consistency with the invoice look - and all the data in my (already adapted) invoice is at the top of the invoice - below header.


However, the second issue, regarding rounding of the VAT puzzles me more - anybody have the same problem?



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