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Crash rollback from 1.6

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Hi, i just update prestashop to 1.6 but too many things weren't working, so I made a rollback and now nothing works!

The back office and the front are just a blank page. What can I do? I need to have my website online.


My url is www.nonnamaria.nl

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1.6 Unstable.. Why do you tested in online site .... 



Enable debug mode and check the error

Yes it is stable and officially released.


Did you disabled all your non-native modules and also theme before you updated ? From which version did you updated ?


Please activate debug modus and read there which errors you are having.


Activate debug modus:



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non-native modules were deactivated on 1-click modul settings ? Please activate debug-modus.

done, this is the error:

Fatal error: Class 'IndexController' not found in /public/sites/www.nonnamaria.nl/classes/controller/Controller.php on line 128

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Hi nonna maria


I'm following this thread as I have the exact same problem.

Have you solved your problem ? If yes, what have you done ?


Best regards



Hi Nilas,


unfortunately we had to do a clean install (1.5) but we are still experiencing several issues with image uploading, the top block menu and the search block.


I'm quite disappointed to tell you the truth, we'll try to solve this issues during the next days, otherwise we might have to switch to a more stable software.


I really hope you'll have more luck!


Kind regards,


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Hi Chris


Thanks for getting back.

I am also very disappointed and also in the market for a more stable platform.

What options have you looked at ?


Good luck !


Brgds Nilas


It seems we were able to solve the top menu and search block issues (we manually loaded the old files from our back up database): it seems to be working now, but I will be testing everything as thoroughly as I can.


I really, really hope we'll have no more issues, at least for a while :)


But, on our side, we have learnt (the hard way) to be more careful with updates/upgrades.

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