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How to create a new hook in default template?

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1) Open PHPMyAdmin. search for your shop database and open it.
search for "ps_hook" table and open it.
Insert new Row and name it for example displayBeforeFooter .
2) open footer.tpl file and insert this:
right before:
			<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">
					<p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>
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have done all steps, but module don't want to insert in hook


maybe problem in footer.tpl:

<!-- Footer -->
			<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">

it is correct?


Edited by kotkotan (see edit history)
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it works!

have add this code to my general php module file (in this case lofnewproduct.php)

function hookdisplayBeforeFooter($params) {
		return $this->hookhome($params, 'displayBeforeFooter');

and changed footer.tpl to this:


<!-- Footer -->
			<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">

it's works 100% thanks to vekia

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  On 3/13/2014 at 10:24 AM, vekia said:


1) Open PHPMyAdmin. search for your shop database and open it.
search for "ps_hook" table and open it.
Insert new Row and name it for example displayBeforeFooter .
2) open footer.tpl file and insert this:
right before:

			<div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix">
					<p class="center clearBoth"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true)}?mobile_theme_ok">{l s='Browse the mobile site'}</a></p>


thanx mod

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maybe somebody know how to add to this new hook displayBeforeFooter another module which is coming in default template and called homefeatured

this is not working:



have add this code to my general php module file (in this case lofnewproduct.php)

function hookdisplayBeforeFooter($params) {
        return $this->hookhome($params, 'displayBeforeFooter');
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  On 3/13/2014 at 12:54 PM, vekia said:


you have to modify module code.

by default this module dont support this hook. so you have add function to handle it.

public function hookdisplayBeforeFooter($params) {
        return $this->hookhome($params);

when i've add this code to homefeatured.php and mudule switch on, there are disappears my footer and another module hooked in displayBeforeFooter (previous)

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  On 3/13/2014 at 4:11 PM, vekia said:


my mistake inside function use this:

return $this->hookDisplayHome($params);

full code like this:

public function hookdisplayBeforeFooter($params) {
	return $this->hookDisplayHome($params);

not working. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello !

Work for my presta 1.5.6 but i have now problem. I use this for hook new module content box from this site http://contentbox.org/


I am getting error "Your text file is empty." wen i edit content of module!


Module work good wen is not pushed to newhook by code in file php of module

public function hookdisplayBeforeFooter($params) {
	return $this->hookDisplayHome($params);

Some one help me please!



Ok! i install module after adding this code and working good

Edited by Joshuaadamo (see edit history)
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