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Problem with magic quotes?

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I noticed that if any message in Customer Service(Contact form) in BO has quotes or apostrophes it gets replaced with  and '  


Could this be because of magic quotes enabled or is it something else? I have shared hosting so i can't change php settings. Prestashop




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Are they enabled? check your configuration and see if gpc_magic_quotes is on. If it is, disable it ;) If they are enabled you NEED to have them disabled. You can ask your hosting to place a custom php.ini in your root, they usually do it

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Are they enabled? check your configuration and see if gpc_magic_quotes is on. If it is, disable it ;) If they are enabled you NEED to have them disabled. You can ask your hosting to place a custom php.ini in your root, they usually do it

So i have asked them to check if magic_quotes enabled and here's reply:



As far as I can see gpc_magic_quotes are currently not enabled for your application. For more information please refer to our comprehensive article explaining the entire process of enabling and disabling them. 

I will kindly ask you to specify what variables do you want to use in the php.ini file because our shared servers use default setup which cannot be modified by most php.ini variables. Thus the file might not take effect and might even compromise the functionality of your application. This way we maintain server stability and good load balancing.

Let us know how to proceed.



I'm not sure what else could be causing if it's not magic_quotes

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