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Weird feature on editing addresses

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Hi there,


I don't know if this happens on other tables and so it's a common feature, so bear with me.


I found out that if a customer edits one of his addresses and FILLS an empty field (f.e. 'address line 2'), the address in question gets a deleted flag in the database (table ps_address) and a new address is inserted.


If the customer EDITS an previously filled field, then this does not happen. The field (and the record) just gets edited.


Not only is this an unnecessary feature (IMHO), it also messes up any custom-made reporting tools you might have.


For example, I use the function getFirstCustomerAddressId to create my PDF invoices. However, this function orders by id_address, which messes things up when a record gets deleted....


Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by connectcase (see edit history)
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