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Upgrade - 1.2.4

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Am incercat de nenumarate ori sa imi upgradez magazinul (am de fapt mai multe dar folosesc aceeasi versiune peste tot in acest moment). Am citit si am recitit tutorialele de upgrade dar eu cred ca e o problema de SQL mai degraba decat de o tehnica de upgrade. Mai precis, upgrade-ul se face dar am 31 de erori de SQL. Orice as face!

Si acum intrebarea mea pentru cei mai tarsaiti prin acest program: pot reinstala intr-un alt director noua versiune de program si apoi sa copiez folosind MySQL tabelele de produse, descrieri si caracteristici? Sa le clonez cum ar veni?

Credeti ca as avea erori de incompatibilitate pe aceste tabele?

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sunt incompatibilitati pe tabele dar cu f. putin efort le poti copia.

eu am facut asa: am reinstalat presta, si in principiu pentru produse spre exemplu:

1. am exportat datele din tabelele de care am avut nevoie dar cu optinuea "Complete inserts" din phpmyadmin
2. am golit acele tabele
3. am importat scriptul exportat anterior

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nu e necesar chiar pentru toate tabelele dar bine ca a mers;

adevarul ca nu am incercat un upgrade automat sa vad cum merge, dar mi se pare foarte ciudat spre exemplu ca nu merge automat macar upgrade-ul la baza de date; cand voi avea putin timp voi studia problema asta

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it is a romanian forum, sorry, we spoke about upgrading the database:
1. export only the data from the tables you need ported from old to new database with the option "Complete inserts" checked from phpMyAdmin
2. I've emptied the tables from the new database
3. I imported the sql script that I've exported at point 1

If you have questions please let me know

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:roll: Thank you, very much for the instructions for upgrading my old to the new shop - but now that I know and have your experience to help me know "Is it worth upgrading? What are the reasons to upgrade?

Sometimes, I find newer is not better' so this is why I am careful before going intoit...

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you can check the change log - there are many bug fixes, in this case it's worth upgrading, hower you need to pay attention to your theme to keep it's compatibility and other modifications to the core files (if you have)

you can try duplicating the shop first as a test, upgrade it and play with it a little

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