TechnoSpain Posted March 7, 2014 Share Posted March 7, 2014 Buenos días Hoy hemos tenido un error nuevo (todos los días son una aventura en prestashop) Se ha realizado un pedido y al entrar en el para realizar la gestión (marcar como enviado..etc) salen solo líneas de texto y faltan casi todos los elementos ¿habéis tenido alguno un caso similar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feliz Garcia Posted March 7, 2014 Share Posted March 7, 2014 Buenos días Hoy hemos tenido un error nuevo (todos los días son una aventura en prestashop) Se ha realizado un pedido y al entrar en el para realizar la gestión (marcar como enviado..etc) salen solo líneas de texto y faltan casi todos los elementos ¿habéis tenido alguno un caso similar? ¿Solo te pasa con ese pedido? ¿Habilitastes el reporte de errores: ? ¿Desde el Inspeccionar elemento (En Chrome Boton Derecho -> Inspeccionar elemento -> Click Console que te sale? ) ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoSpain Posted March 7, 2014 Author Share Posted March 7, 2014 (edited) ¿Solo te pasa con ese pedido? ¿Habilitastes el reporte de errores: ? ¿Desde el Inspeccionar elemento (En Chrome Boton Derecho -> Inspeccionar elemento -> Click Console que te sale? ) ? Hola Si, de momento solo con este pedido, Esto es lo que sale con inspeccionar elemento: <html><head></head><body><div id="order_toolbar" class="toolbar-placeholder"> <div class="toolbarBox toolbarHead"> <ul class="cc_button"> <li> <a id="desc-order-partial_refund" class="toolbar_btn" href="" title="Reembolso parcial"> <span class="process-icon-partial_refund process-icon-partialRefund"></span> <div>Reembolso parcial</div> </a> </li> <li> <a id="desc-order-back" class="toolbar_btn" href="index.php?controller=AdminOrders&token=a526caac64601012a6dd15538a0f24c0" title="Volver a la lista"> <span class="process-icon-back "></span> <div>Volver a la lista</div> </a> </li> <li> <a id="desc-order-modules-list" class="toolbar_btn" href="#" title="Lista de módulos"> <span class="process-icon-modules-list "></span> <div>Lista de módulos</div> </a> <div id="modules_list_container" style="display:none"> <div style="float:right;margin:5px"> <a href="#" onclick="$('#modules_list_container').slideUp();return false;"><img alt="X" src="../img/admin/close.png"></a> </div> <div id="modules_list_loader"><img src="../img/loader.gif" alt="" border="0"></div> <div id="modules_list_container_tab" style="display:none;"></div> </div> </li> </ul> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var submited = false var modules_list_loaded = false; $(function() { //get reference on save link btn_save = $('#order_toolbar span[class~=process-icon-save]').parent(); //get reference on form submit button btn_submit = $('#order_form_submit_btn'); if (btn_save.length > 0 && btn_submit.length > 0) { //get reference on save and stay link btn_save_and_stay = $('span[class~=process-icon-save-and-stay]').parent(); //get reference on current save link label lbl_save = $('#desc-order-save div'); //override save link label with submit button value if (btn_submit.val().length > 0) lbl_save.html(btn_submit.attr("value")); if (btn_save_and_stay.length > 0) { //get reference on current save link label lbl_save_and_stay = $('#desc-order-save-and-stay div'); //override save and stay link label with submit button value if (btn_submit.val().length > 0 && lbl_save_and_stay && !lbl_save_and_stay.hasClass('locked')) { lbl_save_and_stay.html(btn_submit.val() + " y permanecer "); } } //hide standard submit button btn_submit.hide(); //bind enter key press to validate form $('#order_form').keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 13 && != 'textarea' && !'tagify')) $('#desc-order-save').click(); }); //submit the form { // Vars var btn_submit = $('#order_form_submit_btn'); // Avoid double click if (submited) return false; submited = true; //add hidden input to emulate submit button click when posting the form -> field name posted btn_submit.before('<input type="hidden" name="'+btn_submit.attr("name")+'" value="1" />'); $('#order_form').submit(); return false; }); if (btn_save_and_stay) { { //add hidden input to emulate submit button click when posting the form -> field name posted btn_submit.before('<input type="hidden" name="'+btn_submit.attr("name")+'AndStay" value="1" />'); $('#order_form').submit(); return false; }); } } if (0) openModulesList(); }); $('.process-icon-modules-list').parent('a').unbind().bind('click', function (){ openModulesList(); }); function openModulesList() { $('#modules_list_container').slideDown(); if (!modules_list_loaded) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url : 'index.php?controller=AdminModules&token=8e18430be4eb70d4e7aea6b7bdec8f72', async: true, data : { ajax : "1", controller : "AdminModules", action : "getTabModulesList", tab_modules_list : 'prestafraud,ebay,twenga', back_tab_modules_list : 'index.php?controller=AdminOrders&token=a526caac64601012a6dd15538a0f24c0' }, success : function(data) { $('#modules_list_container_tab').html(data).slideDown(); $('#modules_list_loader').hide(); modules_list_loaded = true; } }); } else { $('#modules_list_container_tab').slideDown(); $('#modules_list_loader').hide(); } return false; } //]]> </script> <div class="pageTitle"> <h3> <span id="current_obj" style="font-weight: normal;"> <span class="breadcrumb item-0 ">Pedido N°xxxxxxx (xxxxxxx) - Javier xxxxxxxx </span> </span> </h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leadin"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var admin_order_tab_link = "index.php?controller=AdminOrders&token=a526caac64601012a6dd15538a0f24c0"; var id_order = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; var id_lang = 3; var id_currency = 1; var id_customer = 4747; var id_address = 6108; var currency_sign = "€"; var currency_format = "2"; var currency_blank = "1"; var priceDisplayPrecision = 2; var use_taxes = true; var token = "a526caac64601012a6dd15538a0f24c0"; var stock_management = 1; var txt_add_product_stock_issue = "No hay suficientes productos en inventario. ¿Está seguro de que desea agregar esta cantidad?"; var txt_add_product_new_invoice = "¿Está seguro que desea crear una nueva factura?"; var txt_add_product_no_product = "Error: No ha seleccionado ningún producto"; var txt_add_product_no_product_quantity = "Error: La cantidad de producto se debe ser"; var txt_add_product_no_product_price = "Error: Precio del producto se debe ser"; var txt_confirm = "¿Está seguro?"; var statesShipped = new Array(); </script> <div class="bloc-command"> <div class="button-command"> <a class="button" href="index.php?controller=AdminPdf&token=7884772df33a77d8c3ee823c20ad781b&submitAction=generateInvoicePDF&id_order=5716"> <img src="../img/admin/charged_ok.gif" alt="Ver factura"> Ver factura </a> | <img src="../img/admin/delivery_ko.gif" alt="No hay comprobante de envío"> No hay comprobante de envío | <a class="button" href="javascript:window.print()"><img src="../img/admin/printer.gif" alt="Imprimir pedido" title="Imprimir pedido"> Imprimir pedido</a> </div> <div class="metadata-command"> <dl> <dt>Fecha </dt> <dd>07/03/2014 11:50:00</dd> |</dl> <dl> <dt>Mensajes</dt> <dd>0</dd> |</dl> <dl> <dt><a href="index.php?controller=AdminCustomerThreads&token=451e3e90b6830900d4894108f5aad128">Nuevos Mensajes de Clientes</a></dt> <dd><a href="index.php?controller=AdminCustomerThreads&token=451e3e90b6830900d4894108f5aad128">0</a></dd> |</dl> <dl> <dt>Productos</dt> <dd id="product_number">1</dd> |</dl> <dl> <dt>Total</dt> <dd class="total_paid">18,45 €</dd> </dl> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div class="container-command"> <!-- Left column --> <div style="width: 49%; float:left;"> <!-- Change status form --> <form action="index.php?controller=AdminOrders&vieworder&token=a526caac64601012a6dd15538a0f24c0" method="post"> <select id="id_order_state" name="id_order_state"> <option value="13">Authorization accepted from PayPal</option> <option value="6">Compra Cancelada</option> <option value="1">En espera de pago por cheque</option> <option value="11">En espera de pago por PayPal</option> <option value="10">En espera de pago por transferencia bancaria</option> <option value="5">Entregado</option> <option value="4" selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Enviado</option> <option value="8">Error de pago</option> <option value="2">Importe Compra Recibido</option> <option value="7">Importe Compra Reembolsado</option> <option value="12">Payment remotely accepted</option> <option value="3">Preparación en curso</option> <option value="9">Productos fuera de línea</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="id_order" value="5716"> <input type="submit" name="submitState" value="Añadir" class="button"> </form> <br> <!-- History of status --> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table history-status" style="width: 100%;"> <colgroup> <col width="1%"> <col width=""> <col width="20%"> <col width="20%"> </colgroup> <tbody><tr> <th><img src="../img/os/4.gif"></th> <th>Enviado</th> <th>Yoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</th> <th>07/03/2014 12:28:23</th> </tr> <tr class="alt_row"> <td><img src="../img/os/5.gif"></td> <td>Entregado</td> <td>Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</td> <td>07/03/2014 12:26:59</td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td><img src="../img/os/4.gif"></td> <td>Enviado</td> <td>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</td> <td>07/03/2014 11:52:56</td> </tr> <tr class="alt_row"> <td><img src="../img/os/2.gif"></td> <td>Importe Compra Recibido</td> <td> </td> <td>07/03/2014 11:50:00</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- Customer informations --> <br> <fieldset> <legend><img src="../img/admin/tab-customers.gif"> Información del cliente</legend> <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;"><a href="?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer=4747&viewcustomer&token=33b867d933354ca71cef987069e42a66"> Sr. Javier xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</a></span> (#4747)<br> (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br><br> Cuenta registrada <b>28/10/2013 10:09:11</b><br> Pedidos válidos realizados <b>2</b><br> Total gastos desde su registro <b>3xxxx €</b><br> </fieldset> <!-- Sources block --> <!-- Admin order hook --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../modules/nacex/css/nacex.css"><script src="../modules/nacex/js/nacex.js" type="text/javascript"></script></div></div><script id="hiddenlpsubmitdiv" style="display: none;"></script><script>try{for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter < document.forms.length; lastpass_iter++){ var lastpass_f = document.forms[lastpass_iter]; if(typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=="undefined"){ lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2 = lastpass_f.submit; lastpass_f.submit = function(){ var form=this; var customEvent = document.createEvent("Event"); customEvent.initEvent("lpCustomEvent", true, true); var d = document.getElementById("hiddenlpsubmitdiv"); if (d) {for(var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++){ if(document.forms==form){ d.innerText=i; } } d.dispatchEvent(customEvent); }form.lpsubmitorig2(); } } [spam-filter]catch(e){}</script></body></html> Edited March 7, 2014 by TechnoSpain (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoSpain Posted March 11, 2014 Author Share Posted March 11, 2014 Hola Pues me sigue pasando el mismo error, ya he descubierto que es al usar el modulo de nacex, algo raro pasa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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