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Making delivery notes a required field?

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I've been working on my shop and have made some good modifications thanks to all the help here. One thing I would like to figure out is if it's possible to make the delivery notes filed a required field? I've searched the forums and the net, but have not found anything related to this. 


I've changed the text but it's the 3'd step in the checkout process and I need to require them to enter information there since it's a pick up from store purchase for everything. They will not be the ones picking it up, so I need to know the name of the person it belongs to. If they miss entering this in, then I'll have product that I dont know who to give it to. What I'm doing is sort of a birthday registry type of idea. 


I can edit the files if needed, but will need to know where to look and what do add. 


Thanks in advance for any help! 

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