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[SOLVED] CSS on default theme disappeared...

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Hi all, I have installed a paid theme and that works fine.

I needed to check some features back in the Default Theme style and was mystified to find in Preferences > Themes the logo for it was gone and when I switched to it there was no CSS displayed just raw text and images.


Has anyone any idea how I can get the old theme to display properly?.


Thanks in advance

Edited by r.francois (see edit history)
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Maybe check first if the problem is some old caching. Clear your browser cache and maybe the cookies.



If nothing helps:

Maybe install a second shop and copy the default theme over to the first shop? (Make sure you make a backup of the old default folder first, just in case)



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Thanks for your reply, Pascal. 


I already had a feeling about the cache and tried that to no avail. 

I do have a second copy of the Theme directory and was thinking that something might be corrupt or missing there.

I'll copy it over and see.

Thanks for the extra brain :-)



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