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Menu en 2 bloc

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Je cherche à faire un menu en 2 partie ou 2 bloc. 

C'est à dire que dans mon Header, je souhaite obtenir un bloc avec 2 liens, puis un Logo, puis les 2 autres liens du menu. 

Cela donne le zoning ci-joint. 


Quelqu'un a déja traité ce sujet ? 


Merci ! 


Edited by julesfromparis (see edit history)
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> Réponse trouvé : 


(Il manque juste de modifier le nom du menu (2) dans le fichier TPL pour avoir deux menus bien distincts. 


Voilà :) 



I was able to duplicate this module. the steps i took is below.


i went into the



I changed the followings:
folder name: blocktopmenu2
tpl name: blocktopmenu2.tpl
php name:blocktopmenu2.php

php name:menutoplinks2.class
php file code:


in blocktopmenu2.php i did the following:

- search all "menutoplinks" and replace with "menutoplinks2"

- change "class blocktopmenu extends Module" to "class blocktopmenu2 extends Module"

- search and change all  "blocktopmenu.tpl" to "blocktopmenu2.tpl"



- search and replace all "linksmenutop" to "linksmenutop2"

- search and replace all "linksmenutop_lang" to "linksmenutop2_lang"


in menutoplinks2.class change:

- search and replace all "linksmenutop" to "linksmenutop2"

- search and replace all "linksmenutop_lang" to "linksmenutop2_lang"

- "class MenuTopLinks2" to "class MenuTopLinks2"


And finally if you have a theme, yo need to go into ../themes/theme_name/module and make a copy of the "blocktopmenu" folder and rename it "blocktopmenu2"


and i also had to go into ../themes/theme_name/css/module and make a copy of the "blocktopmenu" folder and rename it "blocktopmenu2"

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