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error in Shipping Carriers

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I found this situation and I don't know if it is an error or if it is due to some other configuration (disabling privileges or other). 


prestashop version 

multistores active

No problems with the superadmin: at step 2 I find MULTISTORE to check the store and the Carriers when I create it. Then I proceed with the next steps until the end.


If I log myself as Administrator (and privileges customized, but even if all enabled does not change anything) at step 2, the mask is empy (I don't see any store and/or there isn't no default store where admin is user)


So, clicking "Next", I see the warning that I must "select at least one shop" 





and with Internet Explorer I have a similar error




All this is right? 

How can I do to complete the insertion of the new carrier? 


Thank you for your attention.

Edited by Riccardino (see edit history)
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