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How to get a changed CMS Block module Information Title/Label to show in Footer?


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I have gotten back to an installation of PS that has been modified bit by bit, and maybe I forgot the answer to this, but I tried searching and modifing and I get impression I am going to have to modify a file.  I prefer if it is done throgh the back end panel.


Version of PS installed = (not interested in upgrading/updating at this time).

Hosting company = WHW1.

Server OS = Centos (fairly recent, but I can find version if requested)

Module = CMS Block v1.1

Location of Problem = Footer.

Problem Summary = Cannot change CMS Block title from Information to something else, like Info.

Hosting panel = cpanel.

Theme = default

PHP, Perl, DB, etc. info can be found and provided too if needed.


The problem:

Via the configuration interface for the CMS Block, I changed the Name Of Block from Information to Information.  This is reflected on the Left Menu, but not in the Footer.  I have deleted and transplanted the CMS Block in the Footer already, and no impact.



Can the Footer label for the CMS Block be changed via web interface (gui), or only can be done by changing content of a file somewhere?  In other words, how to change the label of Information shown in the Footer?

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More info.

When going to "CMS Block configuration", and trying to Add New CMS block configuration, the CMS category selectable is only Home.  Any relation to the problem described?  Does a new CMS category need to be created (such as Footer) with a followup of adding a new cms block configuation?

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No CMS categories at all in the area indicated. 

Same questions as above. Any relation to the problem described? 

Does a new CMS category need to be created (such as Footer) with a followup of adding a new cms block configuation?

It does not seem like adding a new CMS category would help to get the title of CMS block in footer area changed.


The goal is to have the title of the CMS block shown in the Footer section be something else other than word Information.  Again, note that the changed CMS Block title does reflect on the CMS Block shown on the Left bar/menu, but the one showing in the footer sticks to showing the default word of Information.

Edited by hi2014 (see edit history)
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The only way to do it is edit the tpl file


public_html/Your Shop/themes/default/modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl




Okay. Thanks.


It has to be the default, or is it better to do some other file or theme file so the change stays if an update is done?

If PS software is updated, won't that replace the blockcms.tpl file and thus undo the change made?

Edited by hi2014 (see edit history)
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