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I've totally messed things up. Can't access my test site.

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Pardon me for not knowing what I'm doing.


I built my test site on a subdomain (presta.myshop.com).


In preparation for going live, I had IM hosting change the subdomain to the primary domain (myshop.com) because when I go live I don't want the url to be (presta.myshop.com). 


I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to see the site any longer. So I thought the thing to do was to create another subdomain (test.myshop.com) and continue to use that as my test while I tweaked some things. I created the same subdomain (test.myshop.com) at my registrar and pointed it to the same subdomain at IM. That doesn't work.


I could use some help sorting out this mess I've created. 


Ideally what I think I'm supposed to do is have the primary website (myshop.com) live, and the subdomain (test.myshop.com) as the editor. Otherwise, how do I make changes to my live site without testing them first? Isn't that what the subdomain is for?

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