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[SOLVED] Friendly URL

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We have activated Friendly URL in the
Back Office >> Preferences

Next we

- create a .htaccess blank file in dir: /
- give it write permissions (chmod 777 on Unix system)

By the way we love prestashop in its modular design, a excellent and complete ecommerce solution, well done guys

So please team explain this one out to us:

If Friendly URLs make use of .htaccess ReWrite rules to rewrite urls into a more readable format. Our .htaccess file is empty - it contains no rewrite rules, so there is no possible way that friendly urls could work. Is your software prestashop supposed to write something to the .htaccess file? If so, it does not look to have successfully done so.

Please advise, our .htaccess contains only this entry, in public_html with chmod 777 enabled


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Are you saying that you created a blank file in your shop's root directory called .htaccess with chmod 777 permissions, went to Preferences and changed Friendly URL to Yes, clicked Save, then went to Tools > Generators and clicked "Generate .htaccess file", but you are only getting that one line in your .htaccess file? I just tested this and it is working for me. Are you using an Apache web server? Otherwise, it won't work.

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