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What is taking time to load? Is there a way to debug it?

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Thank to whom sloved my issues, El Patròn, which suggested to increase memory to 128mb. I had in my PS 1.4.11 some issues memory exhausted. 


Now, I have the home page very very slow. About 20 seconds. I use cache, compression, etc, so, I am following all the best practices. How is it possible to have yesterday a super fast shop and after a couple of uploads and 4 new manufacturer everything was down and now very slow?


But, generally speaking, how can I debug what is taking time? For example in Wordpress one has plugins to see which part of code (maybe a plugin itself) is consuming time and resources. Is there anything similar in PS?


Thank you very much


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Thank you Patron ;)


unfortunately I can't give you the URL. It's not active by now. 

But I found interesting things, which may be of help and can help you address me better.


First, it is a shared hosting on inmotionhosting. But I don't think this is the problem. 

Products are only 3000.


As I know that in forums you have to arrive already informed, I checked a lot of stuff in the internet and found, for example, how to debug with Smarty. Although not very clear, I think that Smarty can give you enough info on what happens and how long this takes to happen. 


So, I understood, that being all the products without category by now (although we have already created categories) there was a module trying to load all the latest products, basically trying to load all the products. Removed that, latency is now down to 5 seconds (from 20).


Now, I tend to remove all the modules one by one and see what happens, trying to get the best result.


My question is now: generally speaking... how can you really debug what module is taking time? Is there a plug-in doing this? I come from Wordpress and I remember that there were great pieces of software to debug. 


Except from modules, deactivating and activating it, compressing files, using cache, not forcing recompile, what can I really do to speed up things?


Grazie Padrone :)


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Now, I tend to remove all the modules one by one and see what happens, trying to get the best result.


My question is now: generally speaking... how can you really debug what module is taking time? Is there a plug-in doing this? I come from Wordpress and I remember that there were great pieces of software to debug. 


Except from modules, deactivating and activating it, compressing files, using cache, not forcing recompile, what can I really do to speed up things?





As you are looking for a general answer: This is done using a debug profiler. Prestahop has a built-in one since the early versions of 1.5 (versions greater than if I'm not wrong) so in your case, you need to find some manners to profile Prestashop runtime, on your own.


A google search with "profiling php scripts" would reveal more.

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Howdy Fabio,


you may find the following of interest, for 1.4 there are various 'out of the box' class overrides.


override/override/  _Tools.php _FrontController.php for example, but there are others.


Contain various testing functions that you may be able to enable and get some stats.  I have not personally tested with these in a long time so it's best you search for others that have gone down this path.


Please note: shared hosting is (from me) not recommended for serious shop owners.  There is no money in shared hosting. :)  Well except for blogs nobody reads.  Sorry to to sound so brutal.



As you are looking for a general answer: This is done using a debug profiler. Prestahop has a built-in one since the early versions of 1.5 (versions greater than if I'm not wrong) so in your case, you need to find some manners to profile Prestashop runtime, on your own.


A google search with "profiling php scripts" would reveal more.


Hi, ninja...this posters is using 1.4

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Hi El Patron,


Yes, I'm aware of it and that was why I suggested to go with a google search instead of opening defines.inc.php, but I'm afraid, apparently I didn't emphasize it enough.


got ya!...thanks for sharing...


but debugging a shared hosting that just started slowing down...is much like shaving a pig, much squealing for very little wool.

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Thank you guys!


I know I have a pig to shave, but considering that till yesterday it was hairy like an Alpaca, I wanted to know what happened :)


...let the squealing being....


use those class overrides to play with your internal profiling and see if nina's suggest to search the net for profiler that will somehow look at your runtime path...


another little 'tip' is to look at your phpmyadmin runtime stats...always a bit of an eye opener...and in case you have so so eyesight the important stuff is give in red


I don't think I will be following this post...as I already know the solution (vps)

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