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[SOLVED] homeFeatured module leaves giant space.

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Hey guys.


I have quite a problem on my page.

My honeFeatured module, which shows my featured products has a giant space underneath it.

It almost seems like it's showing an extra row of <li>'s, even though no content is there.


I have previously edited css to get 6 products on each line instead of 4. That did not affect the space.

I have also checked out the code for the <ul><li> generation, and here it is:


{assign var='liHeight' value=250}
{assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4}
{assign var='nbLi' value=$products|@count}
{math equation="nbLi/nbItemsPerLine" nbLi=$nbLi nbItemsPerLine=$nbItemsPerLine assign=nbLines}
{math equation="nbLines*liHeight" nbLines=$nbLines|ceil liHeight=$liHeight assign=ulHeight}
<ul style="height:{$ulHeight}">
I have tried editing the line assigning the var nbItemsPerLine to have a value of 6, but it gave me no result.
I've also tried editing the ul style to a height of 250px. Again, no result.
My site is Novaline.dk
Thanks in advance!
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you're welcome :)

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i checked your website and i can confirm that now there is no huge white gap, but you decreased number of featured products, am i right?



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Yes, yes I did decrease the number of featured products.

I had the white space after that, but I just had to edit the 500px to 250px. I even think I made it lower, like 190px. I could delete some unwanted stuff on the featured products, and clear the site up a bit in the process, making space for less height if you can say that :)


Oh, and the reason for the fix not working right away is old css code, created to try and edit the height somewhere on the same tag which I created seperately from all other css code.

I found it, removed it, and it works like a charm now :D


Thanks once again!

Edited by MuskyDough (see edit history)
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