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[Solved] SSL error on log in


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I know what the problem is. It is because I am on a shared IP. So any certificate would show as belonging to my hosting company and not my site, thus the "untrusted site" page. Soloution? Get a dedicated IP from your host then buy your SSL, then everything should be ok. I will update when I get my SSL tomorrow.

Next question. Can anyone reccomend an SSL supplier? Go Daddy look cheap. Any reviews?



**original post**

I have got my site running and went to install a SSL certificate on my server. I use paypal as my processor, so customers only need to have the security when they are entering their details as they get directed to Paypal server.


I get the following messege when I attempt to "log in"

www.r3vel.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for *.justhost.com.

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

The site works ok until you go to logo in.

Bit of extra info using a checker. How do i resolve this

Certificate does not match name www.r3vel.com
Subject *.justhost.com
Valid from 25/Aug/2009 to 27/Aug/2010.
Issuer /C=US/O=Equifax/OU=Equifax Secure Certificate Authority

Could this be because I do not have a dedicated IP?

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