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problems with Shipping by weight

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i have 2 problems. Had them w/ version 1.1 and it carried to 1.2.4 which i am using now: Shipping is sorted by weight. I have 4 carriers(1: 0-0.2kg ll 2: 0.2-5kg ll 3: 5.1-10 ll 4: 10.1-20). say i have a product at weight level 1. the cart shows the default shipping price(carrier 1) as long as weight does not exceed it. when it does the cart shows shipping price at zero and stays there. At checkout all carriers above and including carrier 1 show, but I want to show ONLY carrier 1. At BO i disabled the carriers when weight exceeds. Now what happens is that when weight exceeds, the lower carrier dont show, and thats fine. but ALL the carriers above still do. Is my description clear enough?

any idea?

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I also have a problem with it.

The default one displays the price but when you exceed the weight then normally a higher shipping price become visible but it stays at zero.
If i set weight 1 kilo € 5,00 second weight 2 kilo € 6,50 third weight 3 kilo € 7,50 the default carrier is 1 kilo € 5,00.
Now i add to cart a item 1 kilo so it displays the price 5,00 for shipping so thats oke, now i clean the cart and add a product 2 kilo to the cart again but now it shows zero and the carriers 2kilo and 3 kilo are visible but i must tick the carrier to add the shipping costs and is not done automaticly.
The 1 kilo is not visible so thats also oke, but the problem is that it only add the default carrier shipping costs and all others don`t.
Damn it`s not easy to explain but i hope that you guys also understand what my problem is here, i think it is similier to shykoo.
I saw more people had those problem but i didn`t find a solution that worked.
Hope someone has a soloution for our problems.

Greats, ysco..

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Hi ysco,

I see we have exactly the same problem. There is a solution to the problem of all carriers showing at check out and not just the corresponding one. u will find it at this post:


Note: make sure to change the ' keystroke given in the line of code at the post to the one written in your carriers.php . tiny difference but a hell of an effect

However the problem of the cart only showing default carrier is still unsolved to me. if u find a solution please post it here

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@ shykoo

Well the carrier listed in the checkout is not the problem, for me it is that only the default carrier will display the shipping price and when you choose a other one the shipping is not calculated and shows zero in the basket and checkout page.
Very frustrating this is.

Greats ysco..

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