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Automatic generated inlog name (client nr) & password (zipcode) after buy product

joris van der horst

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When user buy product, automaticly must be generate a inlog name = client nr & password = zipcode.


This must be send to user mail after user bought product and he can login with this credentials

on a automaticly created user account.


Normally in PrestaShop there is generated the email address as inlogname and a auto generated random password.


I find an example site where automaticly is send inlog name = client nr & password = zipcode:




So when fill in form and order product, automaticly is created an account and inlog details are send automaticly to user on this site.


This site is in Joomla and I would like to know if any one knows, how to do this is PrestaShop.


Greetz, Joris



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