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Questions about the attributes and groups

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I have two questions about the attributes and groups. I am building a t-shirt print shop and for a t-shirt there can be a lot of attributes, like:
- 20 colors for the shirt
- 5 sizes for the shirt
- 50 colors for the print on the shirt.

Now, at first I thought I just had to give the attributes for each product and the combinations would be made automatically. But it seems I have to put every combination seperately. This is not possible, since we're talking about almost 20 x 5 x 50 = 5000 combinations!!! Is there a solution for this?

And another question is how can I influence the order of the combinations shown... Now it is shown in order of input, but I want to be able to add a size like XS when available later and XS has to be shown first in that case (XS, S, M, L, XL).

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You should use the Product Combinations Generator on the "3. Combinations" tab when adding the product. If you want the sizes in an order other than alphabetical, you will need to select one size at a time, then click Add. For example, select XS, then click Add, S, then click Add, etc.

Unfortunately, Prestashop isn't designed to handle large numbers of combinations. If you add too many, Prestashop will crash and you will simply get a blank white screen. There is no solution that I'm aware of to this problem, except to increase your PHP memory limit as high as you can, but many people are asking for a better solution. I'm sure the Prestashop team is aware of this problem, since it has come up many times in the forum and on the bug tracker, but I don't think they haven't commented on whether anything will be done about this in future versions. I may have missed their response though. I hope a future version of Prestashop will address this.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Product Generator Sucks......

Upgrade to the new version 1.3 I know it's alpha but I spent 2 weeks trying to get those attributes
to work and nothing. The new version I was done in a couple hours. Feel free to PM me and I will help with
your setup.

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