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[solved] bootstrap default theme and sidebar on product detail page


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I would like to have a left column (or right column) on the product detail page. How can I achieve this in the bootstrap default theme? The sidebar is not hidden by css with display none and I cannot find the place where the condition is set to hide the sidebar on frontpage and product detail page. Can anybody point me to the right direction? Many thanks in advance.

Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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I am still struggeling with the default bootstrap theme. In the theme options I can set a default left or a default right column. If I set a default right column it doesn't change anything, the default column is left.


If I click on edit and activate default left or right column for the product page and for the index page still no sidebar is available for those pages.

I can't believe that a sidebar option for the product page is intentionally hidden, is it?

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Lucas, thanks for your reply. I already activated the right and the left column in the advanced settings. Unfortunately to no avail. The product single page won't show a left or right column. And the category pages show a left column only even if the right column is activated.




I have tried all possible variations, activating the left only, the right only and both, right and left. The product page remains showing a center column only



Edited by prestamax (see edit history)
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I don't understand your problem since everything runs smooth here

3-column layout for column: http://puu.sh/6JOcI.jpg

3-column layout for product: http://puu.sh/6JOik.png


Maybe the module you want to hook onto the product page has an exception for category/product page, have you checked?



Quick question, how do I get my "3-column layout for product" to look like "3-column layout for column:"


e.g. I'd like on the product page I would want the same fields "women + catelog" seen in column


Thank you

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Vekia thanks for assist me,


Yes I already follow your answer, and it's work. But I think I should change the width, because it's looks like in attachment below




The price text [1] looked exceeding than the box width


The buy button divide into two rows [2], then it should has one.


So where or how can I change the width?


Thank you

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okay i see

in this case you have to inrease width of third column

(first: image, second: details, third: add to cart process block)



there (in product.tpl) is a code like:

	<!-- pb-right-column-->
		<div class="pb-right-column col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3">

deal with col-md-3 param, increase it to col-md-5 for example

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