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Show picture only on desktop devices?

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I have added two pictures to my header.tpl but I only want these images to be shown while browsing my site with a computer and not by smartphones, ipads etc since it messes the layout up.

Is it possible to add some kind of code that only displays the image if the customer uses a desktop device? Like the following (just a mockup for you to get the idea):

If user.device = desktop then
<img src"showimage.png>
end if
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Googling something for php and adding it into PS isn't that easy.

PS uses smarty :wacko:


This should work for you

{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}
<!-- Show nothing -->
<img src"showimage.png>



Thanks for the suggestion. However if I add that code my header.tpl the whole page just displays the content before the code and disables everything else of the page.

Edited by prestalearn (see edit history)
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Thanks for the suggestion. However if I add that code my header.tpl the whole page just displays the content before the code and disables everything else of the page.


Strange, as I use this code all over our store and it works perfectly for us :)


I notice in your code you left out a " at the end, so try this

{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}

On a desktop you will see




And on a mobile you will see






And by the way, if you have the mobile theme enabled, then you just edit the mobile theme and dont need to bother doing this code


Check out my website in my signature, try it on your desktop and then your mobile.

You will notice the "facebook & twitter" which is in the right colum does not show on your mobile.

I have used this coding inside their tpl files

Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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Strange, as I use this code all over our store and it works perfectly for us :)


I notice in your code you left out a " at the end, so try this

{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}

On a desktop you will see




And on a mobile you will see






And by the way, if you have the mobile theme enabled, then you just edit the mobile theme and dont need to bother doing this code


Check out my website in my signature, try it on your desktop and then your mobile.

You will notice the "facebook & twitter" which is in the right colum does not show on your mobile.

I have used this coding inside their tpl files


Thanks for the suggestion, however that code also stops the rest of the page from showing :/

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Here it is, thanks in your efforts in trying to help me!

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{if FrontController::ismobile()==true}
<img style="margin-top:-50px; margin-left:40px;" id="hikon1" alt=""
src="{$img_ps_dir}icon.png" style="border:0px;">

				<a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
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				<!-- Left -->
				<div id="left_column" class="clearfix">

				<!-- Center -->
				<div id="center_column" class="clearfix">
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Correct Vekia, you did create this when I asked.


in the classes/controllers/frontcontroller.php file you need to create this function.


public static function ismobile(){
$browser = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");
    if ($browser == true){
    return true;

I forgot about that bit :(


Im assuming this only detects iPhones though, so you may need to add more HTTP_USER_AGENT's

Edited by MerseyRay (see edit history)
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$isMobile = (bool)preg_match('#\b(ip(hone|od|ad)|android|opera m(ob|in)i|windows (phone|ce)|blackberry|tablet'.
                    '|s(ymbian|eries60|amsung)|p(laybook|alm|rofile/midp|laystation portable)|nokia|fennec|htc[\-_]'.
                    '|mobile|up\.browser|[1-4][0-9]{2}x[1-4][0-9]{2})\b#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] );


if ($isMobile==true){
return true;
} else {
return false;
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  • 6 months later...

Has someone gotten this to work on Prestashop 1.6?

When adding this:

public static function ismobile(){
$browser = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");
    if ($browser == true){
    return true;

At the top of my frontcontroller.php the whole shop just renders a blank page...

Any help would really be appriciated!

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Has someone gotten this to work on Prestashop 1.6?

When adding this:

public static function ismobile(){
$browser = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"iPhone");
    if ($browser == true){
    return true;

At the top of my frontcontroller.php the whole shop just renders a blank page...

Any help would really be appriciated!


blank page = errors

turn on error reporting, will see what's going on (error report)

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