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Can not Import Specific Pricing? combinations / impact on pricing!?!?

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I have imported products and combinations for those products some of the combinations have different MSRP (Called pre-tax retail price in PS) and different Impact % off the MSRP.


I see that I can add a specific price rule under the price tab in the BO and that does the job, but I'm importing thousands of products so can't do it that way.  How do I import these in with the products and or combinations?  I do not see the import fields for them in the BO Import.


Originally I thought I would be achieving this with the impact on price field with the combinations but that's not doable, you can't set the MSRP price in the combination import so that doesn't work.. all the prices are off.


Can anyone shed some light on where I can / how I can import those in?


The deeper I dig in this platform the more I realize it is probably not designed for shops with that many products / parts. 


Any help would be great :)  I've worked on this project for months and at the end-tail of it, this one is a show stopper.


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Update and create specific prices for PrestaShop products is easier with Store Manager for PrestaShop application.

All the updates of PrestaShop specific prices can be undertaken by means of data import from file. To effectively renew specific price, make sure the file, you are about to upload, contains specific price details and product identifier (ID, reference, product name) for the program to recognize necessary items.


Learn more about the basics of importing specific prices here: 


You can also use this guide about Prestashop attribute combinations import:



Hope these articles can help you reach your goal!

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I've tried your product.  It's great.. it's awesome! BUT you went and changed some functionality that PS has so I can't use it.  I came to your solution  because I couldn't do what I wanted to with PS but then you don't have the basics of PS so then I can't use it (I've spent months on massaging my feeds.. can't redo the work)  For example I need to be able to force ID's and I need to be able to Set  Tax ID's for the products I'm importing, and couldn't find a way to do it with your software.  Though I can use it for it's other features.. not these features where it originally interested me :)


Correct me if I'm wrong and there's ways of doing that?



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