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Presta Shop Capacity and Multiple Shops

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I read a thread about the Multiple Shop feature, that was actually posted almost a year ago, so I thought of re-opening the topic maybe we have some updates.

The main question is, are you planning to have Multiple Shops on PS? I can see its listed in the Coming Soon feautres list but i was unsure if it is what we want. What I mean by Multiple Shops here is that we get to have different shops one the same domain each with totally different products, settings, configuration etc. So basically like a mall but not as in Magneto (Check http://www.magento-mall.com/) which links different domain names with different mall sections only. But rather having all the shops listed for you then when we click on these we get to have the normal Presta Shop app for the selected shop.

Another question, is there any capacity constraints on Presta Shop? When I thought about this mall thing, the MAIN challenge that I thought of (other than having this developed in a way if it’s not provided by Presta) is the amount of items that will be there. Did anyone have more than 2000+ items in a Presta instance? Imagine now in a mall, multiply this by 15 shops, how would that perform?



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