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Updated and now my store doesn't work

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Hi there,


I need help with my store after updating today.


first the admin will not let me in... after typing in my email and password it goes blank again and doesnt let me in... I have deleted history, cache and cookies and no change.


I have also tried to enter in through the store by logging into the store however now my store pages are  "pages not available 404"... I can't get into admin and the store is down


What is happening???



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I don't know what your level of expertise is, but as an amateur myself, I have concluded that updating equals trouble. I won't do it again. I'm still trying to fix things from a recent update to


For people like me, who don't automatically know where to look to fix things, or even know how, PS is like grabbing a tiger by the tail. Once I finally get it fixed I won't mess with it again. 


Honestly, I'm not even sure I'm going to stick with PS. I'm very irritated by it right now.


Good luck...

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I'm sorry I can't help you to solve your problems but I am here to tell you that sometimes it can go ok!


The help offered here is usually really very good! I upgraded yesterday from and yes I have a few things to sort out (like smarty not optimized) and I'm no expert with software or databases, so I understand your frustration here!


Obviously the moderators are busy people but keep the faith and someone out there will help to get it sorted..... slowly maybe... but you can get results from holding onto tigers by the tail! Just keep going.


Good luck



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when you receive a blank page, then using ftp or back office control panel edit ps file and turn on errors...


learn more here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information/


tip: regardless of being seasoned upgrader or ps internals, one must 'always' make sure to back up the production shop.


tip: preferably one would practice upgrade by first creating a running 'test'  shop of production.

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Thanks for the reply El Patron. I changed from false to true weeks ago. I was receiving error messages afterward in BO about columns and invalid data. I fixed all that.....no more error messages.


Before upgrading I backed up the entire DB and files. (Well, I downloaded a large zip file on my computer so I assume that contains everything.) Should I delete the current ps_stores and re-upload from the old files?


Edit: I just checked my host error log and it's empty.

Edited by Urbanfarmer (see edit history)
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