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[SOLVED] Hide Subtotal and Estimated Sales TAX in shopping cart

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this, but I've doen the following with prestashop cart and the themes cart and it still doesn't work.



Sure For 1.4.9 go to themes/shoppingcart.tpl and edit then delete or comment out the following lines.

To comment out the line place this before<!-- and this after --> the following code starts at line 169.

(I currently do not have a 1.4.9 site to test on so by the code this should work)



<!-- {if $use_taxes}

<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total (tax excl.):'}


{l s='Subtotal:'}



<td class="price" id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</td>


<tr class="cart_total_tax">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total tax:'}


{l s='Estimated Sales Tax:'}



<td class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td>


<tr class="cart_total_price">

<td colspan="6">

{if $display_tax_label}

{l s='Total (tax incl.):'}


{l s='Total:'}



<td class="price" id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</td>

</tr> -->

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