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Comentarios sobre productos ha dejado de funcionar


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Buenos días,

Tuve un problema con el módulo de comentario sobre producto y conseguí arreglarlo (en diciembre de 2013). Ahora me encuentro con la sorpresa de que no funciona, y vuelve a dar errores en los campos.

He realizado los mismos cambios que hice entonces, ya que pensé que al actualizar prestashop, se me pisaron esos cambios o yo que sé.

No se si es eso, un error de la nueva versión de PrestaShop™

Quizás le pase a mas gente y no se han dado cuenta todavía.


Si tenéis la solución, compartirla por favor,


Muchas gracias



Plantilla Knives

Web: detallesparaeventos.es


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<script type="text/javascript">
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var confirm_report_message = '{l s='Are you sure you want report this comment?' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
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var productcomments_url_rewrite = '{$productcomments_url_rewriting_activated}';
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var productcomment_title = '{l s='New comment' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var productcomment_ok = '{l s='OK' mod='productcomments' js=1}';
var moderation_active = {$moderation_active};

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                                                {if $comment.total_advice > 0}
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                                                {if $logged == 1}
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        {if (!$too_early AND ($logged OR $allow_guests))}
                <p class="align_center">
                        <a id="new_comment_tab_btn" class="open-comment-form" href="#new_comment_form">{l s='Write your review' mod='productcomments'} !</a>
                {if (!$too_early AND ($logged OR $allow_guests))}
                <p class="align_center">
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                <p class="align_center">{l s='No customer comments for the moment.' mod='productcomments'}</p>
{if isset($product) && $product}
<!-- Fancybox -->
<div style="display: none;">
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                                <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $productcomment_cover, 'home_default')|escape:'html'}" height="{$homeSize.height}" width="{$homeSize.width}" alt="{$product->name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" />
                                <div class="product_desc">
                                        <p class="product_name"><strong>{$product->name}</strong></p>
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                                <h2>{l s='Write your review' mod='productcomments'}</h2>

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                                                                <input class="star" type="radio" name="criterion[{$criterion.id_product_comment_criterion|round}]" value="5" />
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                                <label for="comment_title">{l s='Title' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
                                <input id="comment_title" name="title" type="text" value=""/>

                                <label for="content">{l s='Comment' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
                                <textarea id="content" name="content"></textarea>

                                {if $allow_guests == true && $logged == 0}
                                <label>{l s='Your name' mod='productcomments'}: <sup class="required">*</sup></label>
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                                        <p class="fr">
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                </form><!-- /end new_comment_form_content -->
<!-- End fancybox -->
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