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Prestashop Ipage Tutorial - How to install prestashop on Ipage

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Disclaimer - I am not an expert programmer or developer. It took me a very long time, a lot of tries and failures, and a lot of searching through other's tutorials to finally get this right. I have done this enough times now correctly. Please read thoroughly before attempting this tutorial. If you have any questions or comments, let me know and I will be happy to help in any way that I can. I apologize for not having pictures yet. I will add them when I get the time. This tutorial is for prestashop 1.5.


How to install prestashop on ipage  (and use domain pointing or redirecting)

No 500 error, No 404 error No 403 error

This will take less than 10 minutes give or take depending on your computer speed. Some parts may not apply to you, skipping over them is possible but not recommended.


1. Login to Ipage

2. Backup All Files (I used FileZilla)

3. Delete all files, don’t worry about databases (you can keep your databases)

4. (If you have a website up and running) Move all of the files for your website into a folder entitled “Old Website” and delete everything else. (Your root directory should only contain one folder)

5. Go to FileManager

6. Click on the add new directory button

7. Label it Weebly. Depending on what program you are (or have been) using to make your website you may change the name to the appropriate name of your program

8. Go to Domain Central

9. Click on your Domain and wait for the dropdown menu

10. Click on Pointers

11. When you see the “home directory” button click on it and a drop down menu should appear

12. Click on Subdirectory

13. In the Subdirectory menu, after the “/” symbol, type in the name of the new folder you wish to create (Ex. weebly) It should look like this http://www.yourdomain.com/weebly

14. Press update

15. Go to your Url (www.yourdomain.com). An error message should appear stating that you don’t have an index. (website page) This is okay. As of now, you don't.

16. Go to your weebly  and press publish.

17. In a new tab or window, type in your url (Ex. www.yourdomain.com)

18. If you set your pointer to “/weebly/” (the subdirectory) then your weebly website should show up

19. Now, to keep everything clean, everytime you need to use your weebly, you will go to domain central FIRST and change your pointer to the subdirectory “/weebly/ “ before you publish it. This will make sure that all of your files for weebly will always publish in your "weebly" folder (also referred here to as a subdirectory or subfolder)

20. Now that you have a weebly website up and running for your audience you can start on your prestashop website upload

21. Go to domain central

22. Go to pointers

23. Take your pointer off of “subdirectory” and set it back to “Home directory”

24. Press “update”

25. Click on Simple Scripts

26. Scroll down and click prestashop (latest version)

27. Where is states “Where would you like PrestaShop installed?” after the “/ ” type in “prestashop.”

28. Press complete

29. Your prestashop will now automatically create a new subdirectory named “prestashop” in your home directory (or root directory) Note: If you had your pointer set to weebly, prestashop would have created a subdirectory titled "prestashop" in your weebly folder instead of the root folder! You do not want your prestashop and your weebly website in the same folder.

30. Now, in a new tab,  go back to your file manager. You should see a new folder in your root directory named “prestashop” Check to make sure all of your prestashop files are in that folder.

31. Now go back to domain central.

32. Click on your domain again and click on the home directory button

33. Switch to subdirectory and instead of typing in “weebly”, type in prestashop

34. Press “update”

35. Now type in http://www.yourdomain.com/prestashop

36. An error message should show up or issues with the look of the website. Prestashop does not work exactly like weebly. It uses a database to store some of it’s files. You need to go into these files and change one file to make it all work.  As of right now, the path to your prestashop website isn’t correct. In other words, your pointer is looking for a folder named “prestashop” inside of your “prestashop” folder.

37. Go to back to simple scripts and underneath your prestashop install click on “advanced”

38. Scroll down and find your “database name” (Write this down)

39. Go to your control panel and click on “MySQL database”

40. Find your database (you wrote it down) and click the door icon to get in (under “Access my phpadmin”)

41. On the left hand side, you should see a list with items all starting with pr_ or ps_

42. Scroll down to “pr_shop_url” or “ps_shop_url and click on it

43. To the right you should see a list of fields

44. Check the box named “physical_uri” then press the ” browse” button at the top

45. You should see several boxes with now, scroll over to physical uri

46. You should see either  /prestashop/ in that box or //

47. Press the edit button and change that box to just “/”

48. Now save it

49. Go to to domain central again

50. Scroll down to your pointers, then click to subdirectory and make sure that “/prestashop” is there. If not, type it in.

51. Now go to your url. (www.yourdomain.com)

52. Your prestashop site should come up!

53. When you want to switch between websites just change the subdirectory. (/weebly or /prestashop)

54. Note: to get to your back office, do not type in www.yourdomain.com/prestashop/psadmin in your url. Just type in www.yourdomain.com/psadmin

55. You are now working out of that folder the same way you work out of weebly. You don’t put in www.yourdomain.com/weebly, you just type in www.yourdomain.com

56. Now you can go to your backoffice and change it to maintenance mode and get to work.

57. Make sure if you want to publish your weebly again, to set your subdirectory to “/weebly” or else it will publish to whatever folder you point into.

58. Do not add anything to your prestashop until you are sure that it is working correctly.

59. If you would like to change your folder name from prestashop to “newnameabc,” don’t forget to go back to your domain pointer for the subdirectory “prestashop” and change it to the “newnameabc” as it is the folder prestashop looks for to work out of

60. Rename your psadmin folder to another login folder name in file manager  and delete your john doe customer in your backoffice. For more check out prestashop’s installation guide


****If you would like to test your prestashop without bothering your current website. You can use a subdomain.******


1. Go to domain central

2. Click on subdomain

3. Create a SUBDOMAIN. Ex (new.yourwebsite.com) and a subdirectory Ex. New.yourwebsite.com/testsite

4. Ipage will make a subdirectory for you. (folder = testsite)

5. Go to file manager to check to make sure the folder “testsite” has been created

6. Go to your new subdomain (new.testsite.com), there should be an error message because nothing is there yet.

7. Go to simple scripts download prestashop. Instead of selecting “yourwebsite.com” select “new.yourwebsite.com” from the dropdown menu. Do not put anything behind the “/”

8. After you have finished installing, check your “testsite” folder in file manager to make sure everything was installed to the correct place.

9. Follow steps 37-60.


I hope this has helped!

Edited by The Fuzzy Pineapple (see edit history)
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