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Get shipping address from backoffice module


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Don't know of a built-in method  but you could include a simple function like following in your module's class. Better practice would be to use sql join in one single query to return just the single value you wish but i thought maybe it's more widely useful demonstrating all the data that can be retrieved within an array.

//a function that returns all order data in the $orderdata array. Debug the array to see how you canretrieve the field you are interested in. For example to retrieve delivery address1 use getOrderData($orderid)['address1'];  ($orderid is the id of your order)

private function getOrderData($orderid){
        $sql='SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders o WHERE `id_order`='.(int)$orderid;//$orderid is the id of your order
        $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
      foreach ($result as $row){
         foreach ($row as $key=>$value){
      $query='SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `id_address`='.(int)$data["id_address_delivery"];
      $result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
      foreach($result as $row){
           foreach ($row as $key=>$value){
      return $orderData;
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Hi dhurley,


I want to create a simple module to add some information on the order page in the back office.


I don't know how to start and I would save a lot of time with your module


Could you gave me the structure of your module please? I can edit your shipping address and put the information I need.


Thank you in advance.



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